Chapter 7

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You were running after Stella as the flat door open as Stella was running with your bra

"Give that back." You say holding your chest as you run

You stop as you see Draco take your bra from Stella

"Bloody hell." Draco says as he looks at your bra and then at you and he takes a deep breath

"Bloody hell!" Stella says and Draco's eyes widen like oh shit oops

You just grab your bra as you sigh

"Close the door I'll be out soon." You say as Draco looks at your outfit, the shirt the shorts he just wanted you so badly

Like he didn't have sex for four whole years now all he wants to do is have sex with you

Like after he had sex with you he was done he didn't need anyone else, he only wanted to have you for the rest of his life, he never wanted anyone else 'When I thought she died, I was 17 and basically an alcoholic stealing my parents alcohol just to fall asleep, my parents didn't care they could manipulate me even more if I was a drunk so they let me, even leaving bottles out for me to just take.' Draco thinks as he hasn't touched anything since he's found out your alive, truth is he never did get over your death it never got easier to live for him, he was grieving for four whole years, cried himself to sleep every day

When you walk back out of your bedroom and smile at him Draco walks right up to you and kisses you

You were so shocked you didn't know what to do

Draco pulls away and smiles "Sorry, I had to I missed you to much to not kiss you yet." Draco says as your cheeks start heating up 'I hope Astoria agrees to us getting divorced, but somehow I doubt she will she is kinda delusional and somehow me ignoring her and not wanting to be around her, and rather spend my time getting drunk. Like from that she thinks I care about her??? Is she ok? Because I certainly do not care at all.'

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