Chapter 11

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|Dracos pov|

I walk into Astoria's room and she looks over

"Oh do you need something? I was just getting into bed." She says smiling at me and I sigh

"I want a divorce." I say and her eyes widen in shock

"What?" She says and I nod

"Yes I want one so I can get back and be with y/n, she's the one I want I love her, and I want to raise my daughter with her the way it should have been four years ago, I need to fix everything with her so bye." I say walking off and Astoria looked angry

Which I had already applied for a divorce I just thought I'd tell her I want one so she's not shocked when we're called to get divorced

Which if she doesn't agree I swear I won't look forward to three years of fighting her for one, I just want this to be quick and easy so I can just be with y/n already

Astoria and I sleep in different bedrooms, and I've never once kissed her not even on our wedding day, I walked off when they said to kiss the bride, I was drunk during that ceremony and the after-party thing whatever you call it, most of it is a blur but I know I was drunk and people weren't happy with my actions, they were so unhappy my mom had to take me home early after I started crying and yelling y/ns name

'Y/n won't allow me with her as long as I'm in my arranged marriage, so time to get out of it I really can't wait to get with her again once I'm divorced, all I want is to cuddle her and for y/n to be in my arms again.'

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