Chapter 14

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I was asleep when someone crawls into my bed

I frown as I was confused, I open my eyes and grab my wand

"Lumos." I say and I see Stella curled up beside me and I smile "Hey did you have a nightmare sweetie?" I ask and she nods as she snuggled her face into my chest

I rub her back as I try and calm her down

"Don't worry it's ok sweetie, you wanna talk about it?" I ask as I sit up and move her so she's sitting up as I hug her

She doesn't answer and I sigh

"Hey Ella sweetie, you can talk to me, if it'll help you sleep of course you can sleep here with me, but if you want I'll listen to your scary dream." I say and Stella shakes her head and I nod as I rub her back and rock her "Don't worry nothing will hurt you." I say and Stella mumbles I want mom "I know but she's not here right now ok? Don't worry your safe darling." I say as I keep rubbing her back and rocking her until she feel back to sleep

So I lay her down and tuck her into my bed

I lay down as well and just lay there awake wondering how y/n is

I end up getting up and walking downstairs not being able to fall back to sleep

I grab a cup and fill it with water and just drink it, as I stare at the bottle of alcohol left out and grab it and throw it in the trash

Did Astoria really leave it out? What hoping I'd drink it and my daughter would see me drunk? And tell y/n so y/n wouldn't be around anymore?

'I can't wait for my divorce hearing, I just wanna be done with this stupid marriage.'

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