Chapter 6

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When you came to get Stella Draco was laying on the couch with her asleep on top of him

He was rubbing her back gently as he smiled at her

You stop shocked as you look at Draco and how adorable this was

Draco smiles at you and you smile back at him as he slowly sits up and hands you Stella

And Astoria watched as Draco talked to you

He was smiling as he talked to you so wide that Astoria was shocked that Draco could even smile that wide

She was also shocked he could smile at all and not have that scowl on his face 24/7

"Well if I get to see your beautiful face yes please." Draco says and you roll your eyes

"If you are free babysitting then I won't have to bug Harry and Ginny so thanks for being my free babysitting." You say and Draco laughs which Astoria was even more shocked he can laugh?

"We'll want me to help you home and make sure you get home safe? If I don't see you walk through your front door I'll worry so much I'll apparate over to make sure your home." Draco says and you smile at him

"No I'll be fine, now I have to get her to her bed so I have to head home, send me a letter when you want to see her again." You say and Draco smirks

"How about when I wanna see you again." He says and you roll your eyes again

"Oh shut up Malfoy." You say and Draco wouldn't wipe that smirk off his face

"How about no, but I'd love to shut you up with my lips." Draco says and you sigh and walk off which Draco immediately looked sad and his smirk was gone, as he had his resting face on

Once you were gone Draco was acting how he normally acted 'I always feel my happiest when y/n is around, and knowing I'm not married to her kills me, really need to bring up to Astoria I want a divorce.'

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