Chapter 8

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"Draco it's getting late you should head home." You say as he helped you put Stella to bed

"Can't I stay here? I drank too much." Draco says and no he didn't he drank apple juice, so unless he got drunk off that then no he didn't

"You know what if you want to ok, you can sleep on the couch." You say as you walk out and get the couch made up for him which he smirks

'My plan is going perfectly spend as much time as possible with her to make her want me again, no one can resist me.' Draco thinks as he stares at your ass as you work, Draco subconsciously licks his lips

You finished and hand Draco a few blankets and he smiles at you

"Thanks princess." Draco says and you roll your eyes

"Can you stop flirting with me?" You ask and he shakes his head

"Nope your the only person I've loved romantically, I can't stop when I'm around you." Draco says and you blushed as you nod

"Right I need to get ready for bed I have work tomorrow." You say and Draco nods

"Ok where you work?" He asks and you shake your head

"No I am not telling you that." You say and Draco smirks

"Oh why not? I'm hoping to get you fired so I can manipulate you to become my assistant, I've always wanted to fuck my hot assistant only if they're you." Draco says and you roll your eyes

"Very funny, but no I won't tell you enjoy not knowing." You say and Draco smirks

"I have other ways to find out." Draco says and you just walk into your room and close the door as you again roll your eyes at him

You knew you couldn't keep him from seeing Stella he's her father, he has every legal right to see her now that he knows about her, you can't say no you may be her mother but he's her father and has the same amount of rights as you

'No matter what I did Draco probably would have figured out about Stella eventually, there was nothing I could do to stop it.'

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