Chapter 16

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|Dracos pov|

It's been a month now and finally I get to explain to people why I want a divorce

And hopefully they give me it

But my parents and the greengrasses will be voting so may I not get it

It was also my day with Stella so I walked in holding her and immediately got questioned with who she is

"Oh Stella? My ex y/n the muggleborn was pregnant and had my daughter this is her." I say and Astorias parents didn't seem pleased with the answer but fuck them "she was born before I ever married this thing so I really don't care if you call it cheating, I am unhappy and want to leave this weird looking thing, so I can be with y/n someone who makes me happy." I say as Stella was asleep which I'm glad

"Ok Astoria do you agree to getting one?" They ask and Astoria smirks

"Nope I'm pregnant it's Dracos." She says and I laugh

"We've never had sex." I say so confused why she'd say that when that can be disproved

"Actually since y/n has come back we made sure Astoria would drug Draco, as well as using a sleeping spell so we get the heir we want." Astorias mom and my mom say excuse me what?

"That's illegal I want a divorce because that's illegal and was being taken advantage of." I say and after a lot of discussion and Astoria looking at me shocked after I then used that

I was then allowed to divorce Astoria after she has the baby

Because the green grasses say the baby has to be born in a marriage mine and Astorias marriage to be a legit heir

I didn't even want the child but they said I have full custody and Astoria can never see the child

And I have to take the child in and raise it as the father

But I don't want it, can I put it up for adoption or something?

'What the hell is wrong with my family how dare they do that to me I hate them.'

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