Chapter 30

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|Astorias pov|

It's been a month and I was so happy to have Draco back

I don't care if it's fake love it's better then him not with him so this is perfect

And it's better then the four years we were married because we sleep in the same room now and he kisses me and holds me in his arms

It seems he really loves me

"You hate y/n don't you?" I ask and Draco nods as he kisses me

"Of course I do I hate all women that's not you Astoria my love." Draco says and I smile so happily as I lay on top of him so happy I did this

"Well if I ever forget to give you that medicine in the morning remind me please or if I'm not around take it yourself." I say and today I almost forgot to give it to him pregnancy brain sucks it makes me so forgetful now I need to make sure Draco will take it no matter what

I can't lose him

|2 months later|

Astoria had took Draco out and saw you with Stella and Astoria was worried Draco could break out of the spell seeing you or Stella too much

You smile at Stella as she looked sad

She was really upset because you had to tell her daddy got given a potion and now isn't himself anymore and doesn't recognize you or Stella

"I miss daddy." Stella says and you sigh as you look over and see them and Astoria smirks and walks over with Draco

"Well too bad Stella he's mine and you'll never see him again." Astoria says and Stella hugs Draco's leg and he didn't move he just stared at Stella confused

"Daddy please come back I don't wanna lose you again." Stella says and you saw something happen to Draco his eyes went normal for a second and he went to move towards you but stopped as they went back to the weird grey colour  and he stopped as he looked at you disgusted again

You sigh

"Stella we have to go." You say as you didn't know how to save him you were thinking of sneaking into malfoy manor and pouring out the love potion then putting the antidote in it

But now since you found out something you don't think you can do that

Like why did this have to happen now? While Draco is love potioned and you may never see him again?

'Why did I have to find out I'm pregnant again.'

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