Chapter 33

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You were making dinner when you hear the door slam open and slam shut and a blond blur running towards you and pull you close

You were confused what was happening until you look up and see Draco and start crying

"I'm back now y/n." Draco says and you smile and Draco kisses you and you kiss him back "Where's Stella? I need to see her face and see she's ok." Draco says and you sigh

"She's at a friends house for a sleepover she won't be home until tomorrow, I finally got her to hangout with a friend." You say and Draco nods

"Don't stop kissing me then." Draco says and you smile as you chuckle

"I need to cook dinner." You say and Draco nods

"I'll help then just let me be close to you." Draco says and you nod

|The next day|

You and Draco just cuddled and Draco wouldn't stop kissing where the baby is

"I love you so much y/n I'm sorry for everything I said it was the potion." Draco says and you nod

"I understand it must have to horrible but like did you know what was happening around you?" You ask and Draco nods his head as he sighs

"I was I would want to say I love you y/n I'm sorry, but I'd be rude to you, I'd think stuff and it wouldn't be what I just thought it was horrible, it was like my brain and my heart were saying two different things, like I was sad and I wouldn't understand why even if I technically knew the potion wouldn't allow me to hear the thoughts of how much I loved you, or how much I hate Astoria just that I love Astoria so much." Draco says and he hated it all he felt so wrong when Astoria kissed him or when he woke up and it wasn't you, but again he wouldn't understand why he felt this way he didn't get it 'I'm glad to be away from Astoria and back with my true love, I won't let anything take me away from her again.'

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