Chapter 24

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Astoria was so desperate to get Draco back

She would come over so much pleading with him and he'd just look at her emotionlessly and roll his eyes as she talked

"I'm with y/n now." Draco says as you walk through the front door and Astoria smiles

"Oh really? Well I hired some people to dig some stuff up on her and you wanna know what I found?" Astoria asks and Draco shakes his head

"No I don't because even if it's something so bad like she murders people I'll still love her nothing can change my mind." Draco says as you were scared Astoria knew of your job

"Your job y/—" Draco covers Astorias mouth before she can say anything more

"Shut it you stupid bitch." Draco says and Astoria was shocked Draco called her that "I love y/n accept it I already know she's a sex worker and I don't give a fuck ok? I was waiting for her to tell me even if I accidentally found out myself, and you know what? I watch her videos because she's fucking hot." Draco says and you were shocked what?

"What?" You say shocked and Draco looks over and smiles

"I know I found out myself no one told me and well I don't care you were trying to keep a roof over our daughters head, if I was there I know life would have been easier but it wasn't I wasn't there so whatever you did to protect our daughter, I will never judge you for. Honestly I'll join in your videos no one can fuck you better then me, I seen you faking it with those guys who think they are so good." Draco says and you felt like screaming right now

You pull Draco into a kiss as Astoria wasn't happy at all

"You leave me for a whore?" Astoria says and Draco gasps shocked what the fuck did Astoria just call you

"Get the fuck out." Draco says raising his voice and Astoria was shocked by Draco's actions but left as Draco looked like he was about to slap her "I love you so much y/n I'll never judge you for something you were pushed into doing." Draco says and you smile as you hug him

"I love you too Draco."

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