Chapter 28

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Like every Friday Astoria came over and Draco knew this was gonna happen

Draco sets his apple juice Stella poured him in a fancy tea cup for a tea party down

And Draco didn't question the apple juice or say want me to make actual tea just drank the refills his daughter kept giving him

"What do you want?" Draco asks as Astoria says he has to love her and Draco just laughs "No I don't Astoria please just leave me alone." Draco says and you pick up Stella saying it's nap time and Draco kisses Stella's forehead saying good night sweetie

"Draco we have to stay together forever." Astoria says and Draco shrugs

"No we don't why divorce is a thing and our divorce is happening no matter what." Draco says and then you ask Draco for help with Stella and Draco kids and walks in as you walk out and look in the fridge for something and Astoria nervously and sneakily pours something into Draco's apple juice

When Draco came back he fought with Astoria for awhile and then finally drank his apple juice

Draco stopped after he drank it and said he didn't feel well

You walk over to him and Draco seemed not well

"Hey what's wrong Draco?" You ask as he rubs his head and then falls to the ground fainting

You scream his name and Astoria smirks and you look at her like what the fuck did you do

"What the fuck did you do to him?" You say and Astoria laughs as Draco starts to wake up and you smile and he looked at you confused and his grey eyes they looked different

And the look in his eyes were all you needed to know what was done

You remember reading about it in school and you started to cry

Draco gets up and smiles at Astoria and kisses her and she looked so happy with what she did as you looked so heart broken

Astoria love potioned Draco

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