Chapter 13

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I was reading Stella a bedtime story before bed

Once she was asleep I smile and kiss her forehead

I then walk into my bedroom and close the door and just lay on my bed

As I hated how my life turned out, why didn't I just go to y/ns parents house? It would have stopped me from being so unhappy with my life

I feel tears well up in my eyes and then someone walks in as I start crying

"Y/n please don't be dead." I say as I start going into my memories

"Draco?" Astoria says and I sit up and wipe my eyes

"Fuck off." I say glaring at her

"Look I don't get your problem with me." Astoria says and i scoff at her

"I was tricked into marrying you, I  didn't marry you because I love you so my problem is your the thing stopping me from being with the love of my life!" I say as I glare at her and she crosses her arms

"You could have just said no to the arranged marriage then." Astoria says and I looked at her confused

"I was manipulated into it, I was grieving over my girlfriend being dead, I thought I lost my soulmate so my parents used that to get me to marry you, it was arranged I don't understand why you can't comprehend that I don't love you when it was arranged, you should feel happy you can be free and live wherever you want." I say and Astoria sighs as she looks at the ground sadly, no please no don't say she's fallen for me and loves me and that's why she doesn't want one, because she's in love with me, oh merlin no

She goes to open her mouth but I talk over her and tell her to get the hell out of my room

She was shocked but nods and walks out 'If she stops me from getting with y/n, I swear I'm poisoning her.'

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