Chapter 27

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|Chapter helped by LilithlilaK|

You and Draco started working together and getting friends to watch Stella

You slowly introduced Draco by him being off camera then slowly he started appearing first his face wasn't shown then his face was it was to tease the audience

Now he's just apart of it fully

Which even more money was coming in and so many more people were watching it and following for you and Draco

And Draco was really enjoying this because he gets to fuck you for hours and then get paid? That's his dream

"God damm that was like four hours all I wanna do is sleep." You say as you curl up on the bed all comfy after a long stream

"Well 2 hours but that was fun." Draco says and he didn't seem as sleepy as you you swear his sex drive is so high

"I need a nap." You say and Draco smiles

"I'm not really tired." Draco says and you sigh he can go way longer then you ever have been able to

Like when you got pregnant with Stella you and Draco had done it 4 times in less then an hour and he tried to go again after the fourth time

Like no wonder you got pregnant when sex with him would be multiple times in a row

"This is probably your dream just hours of sex." You say sleepily and Draco nods

"Oh yeah and your getting paid for it so win for both of us." Draco says as he smiles happily he is really enjoying this life it's perfect how it is

"If we keep going without protection I may end up pregnant again you ready for another kid?" You say and Draco smiles

"With you? I'm always ready for kids." Draco says and you smile and snuggle closer to him and slowly drift off to sleep as Draco just holds you 'I am so happy to be back with her my life was always so depressing but now it's so happy again she makes me happy, she's the only woman to make me happy.'

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