Chapter 23

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You watch as Draco was running around with Stella

"Ah you caught me." Draco says and Stella giggles as Draco picks her up and hugs her

Stella was so happy and you were happy she was happy

"Y/n your job seems to just tire you out so much." Draco says and you nod it does honestly

"Yeah it does but it's worth it the money it makes me is so worth it all." You say and Draco nods

"Well can I come to your job?" Draco says and you look at him shocked

"No." You say and you really don't want Draco coming to your job or finding out what it is

Or seeing your job and how sometimes random girls and guy do stuff with you

That's why you need to delay getting with him until you tell him your job

"Y/n I love you and if your job is like killing people I couldn't care I hope you know." Draco says and you laugh he thought you were like a hit man or something?

"No Draco I just decided I wouldn't tell you my job that's all why does it matter?" You say and Draco shrugs

"I'm nosey that's all." Draco says not wanting to say I already know it he wants you tell him so he's trying to get you to or well trick you into it 'I want y/n to tell me this because then it shows she trusts me with it and knows I won't judge her, which I won't she was a young mother needing money to support our child I don't blame her for anything she may have done, she had to protect Stella and that's all that's all that matters.' Draco thinks as he smiles at you and walks over and kisses your cheek "I love you y/n." Draco says and you smile

"I love you too Draco."

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