Chapter 5

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I was spending time with Stella

When Astoria asks to talk to me

"Who's she dada?" Stella asks and I look over as Astoria looked shocked

"Ok now we really need to talk Draco." She says and I sigh And get up and walk off a bit so Stella can't hear us

"Y/n my dead girlfriend isn't dead, my parents faked her death so I'd agree to marry you in my grieving and most valuable moment, y/n was pregnant when my parents tried to fake her death and fake my break up with her, so don't even get upset we weren't even married." I say rolling my eyes at her and she frowns

"No need to be so rude Draco, honestly why are you so rude to everyone." She says and I look at her

"Because they aren't worth my time, unless they do something for me or will get me somewhere then no, not worth being nice to someone is there." I say as I walk back to Stella and start smiling "Awww look at you sweetie so adorable." I say as I walk into the room all happy seeing her playing with the toys 'The only person who has gotten me to ever genuinely smile, is y/n the only person in the world that I loved, the only person to make me imagine a future with them, and now I have her back and I won't let anyone ruin me getting back with her.' I think as Stella hugs me and I smile even wider and I hug her back "You know I always wanted a daughter, and now you've finally come into my life so thank you." I say and Stella giggles as I tickle her

"No more tickles please." Stella says and well since she added please of course I will

I stop and kiss her cheek as she smiles so wide at me

'I wish I was there for her when she was born, I wish I raised her. But nothing will stop me from treasuring the moments I have now with her.'

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