Chapter 12

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Y/n was coming over to drop Stella off and some night stuff for her in a few hours

Because Stella is staying at my place for a few days

Which I was so excited and I set everything up for my daughter

"What are you doing?" Astoria asks and I look over

"My daughter is staying for a few days I'm setting this room beside mine up so she can sleep in it, and I decided to paint it purple which is her favourite colour, also wanted her favourite animals in the room oh wait y/n said she loves these movies called Disney or whatever I better get those." I say as I quickly walk out of the room and figure out where to get those movies

Like I got a tv or whatever it's called for Stella


Once y/n arrived I somehow convinced her to stay and bring Stella to see her room

"Now your room is right beside my room, so just knock if you need anything." I say as I smile at Stella and y/n helps Stella unpack

"Now you know which drawers have your clothes and you can find them easily." Y/n says and I smile as she was just being a mother, I loved it and just wish I could see it everyday "Now I have to go I'll see you when I come and get you ok? And Draco if you need me you know how to reach me." She says and I nod

"Yeah of course." I say smiling so wide at her and she nods and walks off

I look at her butt as she walks off and she looks back and noticed and rolled her eyes

But I didn't notice Astoria watching me as I smirked at y/n as I continued to stare at her arse

It's the most perfect arse in the world, well besides mine

Stella pulls on my jacket and I look down

"Yeah? Do you need something?" I ask smiling at her and she smiles up at me

"I'm hungry." She says and y/n told me she ate just before coming here and she's hungry right now? Damm this kid eats a lot


I was eating with Stella when an owl flies in and hands me a letter

Oh finally my divorce request has been heard and the meeting is soon thank Merlin

Astoria walks over wondering what the owl was for

"Here you go might as well know." I say and Astoria looked shocked, what did she think I was joking about wanting a divorce

"What is it?" Stella asks and I look over

"I'm trying to get a divorce from this thing right here so I can get back with your mother." I say and Astoria frowned not happy with that

"What's a divorce?" Stella asks and I think of how to explain it to her

"Well it's when you get unmarried to someone." I say and Stella nods

"But who are you married to?" Stella says and she really hasn't caught on?

"I am sweetie, so that makes me right now your step mom." Astoria says and I roll my eyes at her

"Ew." Stella says and I start laughing

Astorias mouth was hung open

"Good thing your unmarrying her." Stella says and I laugh even harder I started crying

"You truly are my daughter aren't you." I say and Stella nods

"Yes I am." She says and I smile I loved my daughter so much

'I love Stella so much she's just amazing how did I make her? Like she's just amazing.'

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