Chapter 34

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Stella came back and she screams and runs and hugs Draco when she saw him, she was so happy he's back and Draco picks her up and hugs her tightly as he cries

"I'm back sweetie don't worry I won't ever leave again." Draco says as Stella clings to Draco and Draco rubs her back as he sits on the couch with her

"Don't go daddy ever again please we need you." Stella says and Draco nods

"Never I won't ever let anyone take me away again." Draco says and Stella nods as she holds onto Draco not letting go any time soon 'I'm so happy y/n is pregnant again I may have wanted that and why I was never safe during those 5 times a day we'd do it and well hey y/n had mentioned she also wanted another kid again soon, so this kinda works out for all of us.'

|Months later|

Today a woman came over with a baby and Draco knew who this was it's the child Astoria gave birth to

"Here mister malfoy this is your son." She says and Draco nods as he takes him

You walk over and smile at Draco

"He looks so much like Stella when she was born." You say and Draco felt happy to hear that because that means the kid won't look like Astoria and that's all he hopes

Maybe Draco can play off that the kid is yours but your cousin is still fine with taking him in and Draco still agrees that's better as he heals still and now from being love potioned now

"Well you should call your cousin over they already got all the baby stuff ready for this one." Draco says as he sits on the couch and Stella was happy to meet her half brother

And Draco was happy because his divorce will be finale soon now

He just had to go back one more time and then it's done and he's  finally divorced from Astoria

"Y/n I don't wanna lose you." Draco says leaning on you as you smile at the baby in his arms

"You won't Draco, now what's gonna be his name?" You ask and Draco looks at the baby boy and couldn't think of anything "You said you always wanted scorpius for a boy." You say and Draco shakes his head

"I don't want a kid with her to have that name she doesn't deserve it." Draco says and you nod as Draco puts a hand on your baby bump and smiles "We gotta save it for him." Draco says and you nod as you kiss Draco's cheek 'I know I can't raise this child right now because of all the pain Astoria put me through maybe one day I can actually be his father but right now I couldn't I can't.'

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