Chapter 25

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Today Draco took Stella out to the wizarding world to show her more of it

Because he found out she basically knows nothing and you kept her away from it

Mostly so Draco wouldn't see you and you thought that's what Draco would want from you to not be in the wizarding world

Which Draco hated that when he heard of it

That the one time he saw you in the wizarding world was your first time back in awhile

And if he wasn't out and there he may have never found out your alive

But your glad you can soon be with Draco again


"Ok now where you wanna go first my little Angel." Draco says as Stella was nervous and clinging to Draco and hiding her face in his jacket "Ok maybe I'll pick, oh how about we go see some owls? You like owls don't you?" Draco says and Stella gave a small nod as Draco walks into a shop with some animals

Draco showed Stella around and Stella seemed a bit less nervous after being able to pet an owl


Draco showed Stella around and then he sees his parents and glares at them as he holds Stella close to him as they walk over

And try and convince Draco to come home and stay with Astoria

"I'd rather die then stay married to Astoria, now this is my only heir that counts meet Stella." Draco says smiling at Stella who smiles at Draco back

"Sorry but no a half blood will never count." Draco's mom says and Draco glares at her

"Yeah well you don't count as my mom ha take that." Draco says as he then walks away leaving his parents shocked on what he said  'My parents were in on what Astoria was doing so I don't give a fuck about them anymore.'

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