Chapter 32

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|Dracos pov|

It's been a month and I was about to take my medicine like Astoria tells me to take when she yells at me to come now and well my 6 month pregnant wife I have to go immediately and make sure my love is ok

So I set it down and walk to where she is and do whatever she needs me to do

Which she ended up needing me to go out

I go to say I haven't taken my medicine but Astoria interrupts me and says she has to go now and to only do what she asked right now

So I did and it ended up taking all day and I finished in the evening

My head hurt so badly it felt like something was in my head playing drums or something

It hurt so much

Astoria came home and saw me not doing too well

"Draco?" She says kissing me and I didn't kiss her back I tried to but I wouldn't "Are you ok?" She asks and I nod and stand up and faint and Astoria gasps shocked not knowing what's going on with me

Only thinking she pushed me too hard with everything I did today and I got too stressed or something

I wake up so confused where I am

I look around and see I'm at malfoy manor? Why am I here?Then I see Astoria and immediately everything came back to me

She love potioned me

I didn't take it today to stay under it because she over worked me before I took it

Oh finally I'm free that was torture

I then remembered y/ns crying face and Stella hugging me asking me to just come home


SHES PREGNANT oh my Merlin y/n is pregnant again I have to get home now

I stand up and Astoria goes to kiss me, happy I'm ok but I stop her

"Don't." I say and she looked confused but then she looked at my eyes and was shocked

"You......You didn't take your medicine today that's what you kept saying you have to do first but I didn't let you." She says and I nod

"I'm awake bitch and I'm now going back to y/n goodbye forever Astoria." I say and she was screaming you can't leave me and I turn around and smirk "Watch me."

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