Chapter 18

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You woke up and see Draco fast asleep holding your hand

You smile at him as you then get up and get dressed which you may have just put on shorts and Dracos shirt he was wearing, you miss wearing it so you had to

You just start on breakfast before Stella woke up

But as you were cooking Draco wraps his arms around you and snuggles into your neck

"Hey dray." You say as you put a hand on his cheek and smile at him and Draco kisses your neck

"Morning beautiful I had fun last night, I missed those moans so much." Draco says and you hit his arm softly

"Shut up." You say and Draco laughs

"No." Draco says as he hugs you as he smiles, just so happy to be with you and around you 'I remember when I first met y/n, I didn't wanna like her but I instantly fell in love with her when I first saw her during the sorting ceremony.' Draco thinks and it took him a few years for him to accept he loves a muggleborn and when he finally accepted it he immediately asked you out, which he was surprised when you said yes immediately

But you both are soulmates you both fell for each other immediately

Stella walks out of her room and Draco smiles and walks over and picks her up

"Hey sweetie." Draco says as you go and finish up breakfast as Draco plays games with Stella

"Ok breakfast is ready." You say and Stella runs over and Draco gets up and walks over to you and kisses your cheek as he sits down beside you

'I want this life so badly, me and y/n with our kid raising them. This is the life I've dreamed of since I saw her, and now that I know she's alive I won't let the life I dreamed of slip away.'

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