Chapter 26

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Draco was talking to you about everything that happened as he took Stella out

"Honestly I hate my mom first she willingly lets me become a death eater as a child, then fakes your death, did the thing with Astoria we don't talk about and now doesn't accept my daughter? She's just like my father and always will be they both will just never change their ways." Draco says and you play with his hair

"It's gonna be ok soon we'll be a family." You say and Draco smiles at that a family you and him a family

He already has set up where the baby is gonna go

Your cousin is happy to take them and raise them for Draco and you

Draco tries to not show it around them but he's completely traumatized from everything

Which you'd be shocked if he wasn't

You kiss his forehead as he snuggles closer to you

'I am so happy that I'll get to be with y/n in a few months, I wish I could just immediately propose to her and marry her, actually who said I can't? I'll propose to y/n right in front of my parents when my divorce is final it's perfect, and I don't care if they cut me off from the money y/ns job makes so much money and if we both do it then that's gonna be even more money, we can get rich on our own!' Draco thinks as he was happy with his plan so guess he should start working with you now

|a few days later|

When you came back from grocery shopping as Stella was at a sleep over all day

You see rose petals leading to the bedroom and you sigh

What is Draco planing?

You walk in after putting the groceries away and see Draco laying on the bed

"Hey." He says holding a rose in his hand as romantic music plays and Draco was basically naked with rose petals everywhere on the bed

"Are you trying to seduce me?" You ask and Draco nods

"Yes is it working?" Draco asks and you nod

"Definitely." You say and Draco pulls you over and you fall down beside him giggling

"Well good glad I can still seduce you so easily ha I still got it." Draco says and you chuckle

"So what is this for anyways?" You ask and Draco kisses your nose

"I'm gonna be joining your job." He says and you looked shocked

"Oh you are?" You say and Draco nods

"It makes you so much money already if we both do that we'll be so rich and that means even more money for supporting Stella." Draco says and you nod

"Ok then you've convinced me." You say and Draco pulls you into a kiss

"And you need someone who actually knows your body those guys are so bad and your faking it so much you poor thing." Draco says and you nod

"Yes now how about you make it better." You say and Draco smirks

"Oh gladly." He says and as kisses you and you kiss him 'I'm so glad to be back with her and once my divorce is final I can finally completely be with who I truly love.'

(Sorry for the lack of updates got vertigo and that took me out for 2 months but I'm back!)

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