Chapter 28

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*At The Airport With The Boys*

Katelyn's POV

We drove with the boys to the airport and left our luggage in my truck, so we could go straight home afterwards. The boys had their luggage in the car traveling behind us and we took a van that could fit all of us. We had a driver and Paul sat in the passenger seat of the van. Even though we all love the boys almost equally, you can definitely tell we have our favorites, and I think the boys also have their favorites. Kiki is sitting in between Liam and Harry. Alanna is sitting between Zayn and Louis. Dylan is sitting with Ed. And of course, as always, I'm siting in between Niall and Josh. We are almost to the airport when Liam looks back at everyone and we all stop our conversations. I see a look in Liam's eyes that I haven't seen since we met, sadness. "What's wrong LiLi?" I volunteer to ask. "How is this going to work?" He asks looking at all of us. "What do you mean?" Louis asks giving Liam a questioning look. "Boys, we are leaving. And girls, you are staying. How is this going to work? I don't think any of us wanna loose these friendships and relationships." And that is when all of us came to reality. This has been the most amazing couple days ever, but now it will end as these boys board that plane. Sadness fills all of our eyes, even Paul's that I saw through the rear view mirror. Josh looks over at me and takes my hand into his. "We are gonna make this work." He quietly says to me. "I hope so." As I say this, the driver tells us that we have arrived to our destination. We all get out of the van and go to get the boys luggage. As we walk into the airport the boys tell us they have a surprise for us, but we have to go away for a few minutes. So Dylan, Kiki, Alanna, and I all walk into the nearest gift shop we can find and look around.

Josh's POV

I can't believe we have to leave the girls, especially Katelyn. It doesn't feel right doing this to her, but hopefully she can stay strong and know that I only have good intentions toward her. I know long distance relationships are the most difficult thing, but I think we are both determined to make an effort to make this work. "So, why did we send the girls away?" Louis asks Liam. "I thought we could each give the girls something to remember us by. Like to the girl we have been hanging out with the most." "That sounds like a good idea." Niall replies to Liam. We each go through our suitcases and find something we wanna give. We see the girls walking back toward us, so we hide the items that we will give to them behind us. Liam starts, "Girls, before we go, we want to give all of you something to remember us by. We don't have enough to give you each something, so we decided to split it up and then the next time we see each other, a different guy gives you something, so it's a promise that we will come back to fulfill it. My gift is to Kiki. I am giving you a bracelet that was given to me by a friend back home ,and since I'm going back to my home, I want to pass it on to you." Liam tells Kiki as he ties the handmade bracelet around her wrist and gives her a hug, then goes down the line and hugs each one of the girls. Then Harry steps forward, "I would also like to give something to Kiki. It's the same concept as Liam's gift and a fashionable accessory as well." He says the last part in a girly tone making us all laugh a bit. Leave it to Harry to lighten up the mood. And then Harry hugs all of the girls. Now it's Louis turn. "I might as well not even have to explain. Here you go Alanna, please remember me?" he said while tying a bracelet around her wrist as well and hugs all of the girls. Zayn steps in front of Alanna. "My gift is for Alanna. I noticed the other day that you flicked the necklace I was wearing, which is also home made. So, now it's yours." Zayn told her while putting it around her neck and then hugging all the girls. Ed walked right up to Dylan and didn't say anything, but grabbed her hand. Her eyes widened as he opened her hand and took out a sharpie from his pocket. He wrote something on her wrist. A smooth man he is. We look and see ten numbers written across Dylan's wrist. She blushes and then they hug. I think they should be together, even their goodbye had a connection with no words required. My turn. I walk up to Katelyn and hold both of her hands in mine. "I would give you my heart, but I'm afraid you already have it." She blushes and looks down at the ground, I take my hand and push her chin up gently to look me in the eyes again, and I continue. "I'm so glad we met and that I got a chance to make you mine. I want to give you my special jumper, or as you Americans say, my hoodie. I've never let any other girl wear this hoodie before, but you are very special to me, so I would like you to have it." I give her the hoodie and she pulls it over her head and looks at it. "It smells just like you." She tells me with a smile, as we hug and I kiss her cheek. I go and hug the rest of the girls. I step back and let Niall have his turn. "My gift is for Katelyn as well, even though I can't beat Josh. I know we didn't plan this gift giving ahead of time, but I bought you something that I was going to give you anyway. You are an awesome friend, and I hope we become best friends soon. You told me how you loved high tops and love my Supras, so I got you a pair just like my white ones so we can match." Niall says as he hands her the shoe box and her eyes widen. She opens the box and looks. "TWINNING!" she yells then drops the box and gives Niall a huge hug. "Thank you, Niall. I've always wanted a pair, and now we can match." She tells him. He smiles back and hugs Katelyn one more time and then hugs the rest of the girls. I am really going to miss Katelyn. This is going to be hard.

Niall's POV

I'm so glad Katelyn loved her gift. I think it will be cute having us match. Ugh. This is hard. I feel like I've known these girls forever, but the reality is we just met them. I don't want to leave these girls behind, but I know we have to. We hear our flight number get called over the speakers and we all realize its time to say our final goodbyes. All the girls look really sad and I glance over at Katelyn and see a tear fall down her cheek. Since Josh is saying goodbye to the other girls, I go over and wrap my arms around her in one of my Horan hugs and whisper in her ear, "Everything will be ok. We will text, call and Skype constantly. We won't leave all of you for good. We will be back hopefully soon. I will miss you Katelyn." As I say this, she wraps her arms around my waist because of her height and buries her head further into my chest. I snap out of it sadly, "I think you should say goodbye to Josh now." She looks up at me and sniffles saying, "Thanks Niall, for everything. You are like my best guy friend now." Katelyn then walks over to Josh and they say their goodbyes. As we walk towards the terminal, we all look back and wave at the girls. They wave back, obviously trying to hold in their tears. It's ok though, we will be back, that was a promise.

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