Chapter 26

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*The Next Morning*


I move a bit in my sleep and accidentally hit something. I open my eyes and I saw that I hit Niall's leg by accident. He just moves a little, but stays asleep. I look down and see Katelyn curled up on the blanket on the floor. Last night we decided to watch tv after the movie was over and I guess we all fell asleep because everyone was basically in the same place they were last night. I look over to the couch where Liam and Zayn were and I saw that Liam was sitting there doing something on his phone, probably texting Danielle. He looks up from his phone and whispers hi to me and I say hi back, but not loud enough to wake everyone else up. I get up as slowly as I can to not wake everyone up then motion for Liam to do the same. We walk over to the curtains covering the giant window and we each take a side. I mouth, '1, 2, 3' and we pull the curtains open and the sunlight bursts throughout the room. Harry, Louis, Niall, Kiki, And Alanna all start moving around and waking up. I look over at Ed and Dylan and they are sleeping on the floor with Dylan's head on Ed's stomach. I look at Katelyn and she is still asleep curled up on the floor. And of course, no surprise, Zayn didn't even budge. It's so hard to wake him up in the mornings. "Hey, Louis, you should go wake up the wanna be love birds." I say as I point to Ed and Dylan. "I will wake up Zayn." Liam says. "That means I'm waking up Katelyn." I add. Louis goes up to Ed and slaps him on the cheek, he jumps a little and Dylan falls off of his stomach onto the floor and wakes up too. I guess they realized how they were sleeping because they both looked at each other and blush. Liam goes over to Zayn and jumps on top of him and just lays there squishing him. Zayn just groans and tries to roll over but can't because Liam is on top of him. I walk over to Katelyn and lay on the floor next to her and then start poking her sides. Her eyes open immediately and she starts rolling around because I'm guessing he is ticklish. She starts giggling and rolling around more as I keep poking her sides. I am now leaned over the top of her and stop and kiss her nose. She scrunches up her nose like a baby rabbit and just giggles. "Well good morning." I say to her with a little laugh. "Good morning to you too." I move so she can get up. I stand up and grab her hand to pull her up. Once we are both standing, I pull her in for a hug. "I'm hungry!" Niall shouts. "Well, lets go to breakfast!" Liam shouts back and then laughs. Paul walks in and says, "I hear all of you, especially Niall, are hungry. We have a choice, International House of Pancakes (IHOP) or Denny's." Paul asks around the room to each one of us to see where we want to go. Liam, IHOP. Louis, IHOP. Zayn, IHOP. Alanna, IHOP. Kiki, IHOP. Dylan, IHOP. Harry, Denny's. Of course he has to be the weird one. Me, IHOP. Katelyn, IHOP. Zayn, IHOP. And Niall, IHOP. Harry pouted as we all headed to the car all still in our pajamas. We didn't care, if the fans saw us like this, oh well. This just proves we are normal.


That was a lovely wake up call this morning from Josh. I can't believe he did that, but it was sweet and cute. He kissed my nose and I can't help but feel like this is going too fast, but I know we don't have much more time together because we all have to part from each other today. I look out the car window and see the IHOP sign and the familiar shaped building. We pull into a parking space as do the rest of the cars in our little group and we all get out. The girls were in one car and the boys were in the other, like usual. As I jump down to the ground from the car, I see Josh walking over towards me. It's kinda cold this morning even though we are in Florida, but it is December. Josh casually grabs my hand and smiles at me. I thought about what happened last night with us holding hands. I'm just gonna go with it and hold his hand back and we walk into the building. We are escorted to a long table, so I'm guessing Paul called in ahead of time. And I'm surprised, but there is barely anyone here. I sit between Josh and Niall and across from Ed and Dylan. I hope they become good friends, she has wanted to meet him so bad. I also hope they end up together.

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