Chapter 36

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The boys and I had to get up extremely early for a performance and interview with a British talk show. We get in three cabs to take us there. Louis, Harry, and Zayn go into one cab. Niall, Liam, and I go into the second cab. And the rest of the band goes into the third cab. We are all on our iPhones playing games and listening to music when the driver tells us we are here. We get out and maneuver ourselves through the crowd of screaming girls blocking our entrance to the back door. We finally reach the door and walk into the green room to eat some breakfast before we perform. Once everyone eats, we go change because we are all still in sweatpants and t-shirts from when we woke up. If you haven't guessed, all of us aren't exactly morning people. I put on a pair of denim jeans and a black t-shirt. I walk over to look at my baby. All shined and polished. I take my drum sticks, sit on the stool. I have an assistant from the tech people on the show come over and hand me my in ear monitor for the soundcheck. "Go ahead and play please, Mr. Devine." Hi hat. Snare drum. High tom. Low tom. Floor tom. Bass drum. Crash cymbal. Ride cymbal. And there we go, all tested out. "Sounds good." I say to the tech people with a thumbs up. I am usually a lot more energetic during these, but I'm just really tired and missing Katelyn. All the boys walk out from backstage all dressed and having their in ear monitors already set in place. "Ready for soundcheck boys?" I ask them with a smile changing my mood completely around. I honestly just love my job so much that anything could ruin my day, but doing this changes that to happiness. They all nod their heads and I tap off with my drum sticks. We are playing the song 'Kiss You' for the first performance, then interview time, then finish the show off with 'What Makes You Beautiful'. After we are done rehearsing. We go backstage while they let audience members in to take their seats. The show starts and about 10 minutes later, we are told to take positions behind the curtain. I am on a platform with wheels that will be moved onto the actual stage as we begin the song. I sit down and put my in ear monitor back in and tap off to the rest of the band. The curtain flys open and I am being pushed on the stage by some crew members. The boys run on stay and the audience screams and cheers. We finish the song and my drum set gets moved backstage while the boys go and sit on the couch big enough for 5. I go backstage to get some more food when I hear over the speakers, "We want that drum of yours to come out here." What? Are you kidding me? I've never been asked to say anything in their interviews. Oh gosh. "Come on out here Josh!" The interview lady calls over the speaker. I throw the half eaten bagel I was eating in the trash on my way back to the stage. As I walk out, this is what I hear. "WE LOVE YOU JOSH!" I hear from a group of girls in the front row. I could feel my cheeks turn red. Niall is on the end of the couch, so instead of him moving over, I just sit on top of him. "Hi, I'm Niall from One Direction." I say with a wave to the interviewer. The audience laughs and then Niall pushes me off of him. I sit on the arm of the couch since there isn't enough room for all of us. The interviewer starts her interrogation. "So, boys, who is single and who isnt?" Zayn, Louis, and I raise our hands while Harry, Niall, and Liam keep their hands down. Even though Liam plans to change that really soon. "Let me guess. Zayn with the lovely Miss Perrie Edwards and Louis with the beautiful Eleanor Calder." They both nod, then she looks at me. "Now, Josh, you aren't exactly know as much, no offense, but who is this lucky lady?" A picture appears on the screen of me and the boys saying goodbye in Florida to the girls. I wish paparazzi could give us some space. I can't hide this, so I answer honestly. "The girl with the shoulder length brown curly hair right there. The short and cute one. Yeah, that's my girlfriend. Her name is Katelyn." The audiences did a collective aw. I blushed again. The interviewer continued. "How long have you two been an item?" I answer, "I know this might sound really rushed. But I met her while we were in Florida last week. She won meet and great passes for her and her friends, and I knew there was just something special about her. We hung out, went on a small date kinda thing and I asked her to be mine." The audience clapped and cheered at that answer, so I'm guessing I got their approval. "What do you boys think of Katelyn?" She asks. "I think she is a really nice and sweet girl and I'm very happy for Josh." Liam answers. "I love her so much! She is like our little sister, especially with her cute little height." Harry replies. "I agree with Harry. She is like our little sister. She is really fun to be around." Louis answers next. Now Zayn, "I think she is a lovely girl. They seem to be right for each other." "I think Katelyn is an absolute wonderful girl. She is like my best friend, other than these boys, even though I just met her. I miss her already. She is just so nice and kind and caring and such a little sweetheart." Niall answers and pats me on the back. "It sounds like shes a keeper. Well I'm afraid we are out of time and it's time for one last song from you all." We get up from the couch and go to our positions on the performance stage part. We start playing and finish the song while the audience cheers. After, we maneuver through the huge crown at the back entrance once again to get in our cabs to go back to our house.

Little Drummer Girl (a Niall Horan/Josh Devine Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now