Chapter 3 Lunch

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After a few more classes it was finally lunch time! You were starving. You go to the cafeteria and get in line to get your food. After you get it you look around for a table to sit at. You see an empty table on the other side of the room. You decide to go sit at it. You didn't mind eating at a table by yourself.

You started to eat your food. You keep eating until you heard two animals loudly arguing about something. You looked up from your food. It was a fox and a wild dog. Should you do something? You wondered to yourself... It wasn't any of your business... Suddenly the dog bit the fox's arm. Suddenly the cafeteria was filled with screams from other animals. Your eyes widened as you saw the fox try to get the other animal's mouth off his arm. No one else was doing anything about it. They were just sitting there and watching. That was until you heard someone yell "ENOUGH!" You look over to who it was. It was that grey wolf from earlier. The room went silent.

He shortly after covered his mouth regretting saying anything. "Who are you yelling at?" The fox said as he stood up and walked towards the wolf. "Did you think you could beat me just because you're bigger?" The fox questioned. "N-no way!" The canine said putting his hands up. "You've got it all wrong!" The wolf said waving his hands seeming to be panicking a little. The wolf looked at the fox. "Oh I've got it all wrong huh? Give me your neck. I'll bite into it nice and gently." The fox said gesturing to the nervous canine. Suddenly a familiar voice called from the crowd.

"Come on! Being a carnivore isn't so easy, is it?" Louis called out from the crowd. Several of his fans were gakking at him as he walked through a crowd of students. He walked up to the two and stood there getting both of their attention as they looked at him. "They're not always lucky enough to have both personality and fighting strength." He said in smug voice. You felt a little offended by that. "Well, well if isn't Louis himself? The super star rich guy." The fox said sounding annoyed. You wonder why Louis puts himself into dangerous situations like this. "Showing your fangs in public is considered bad manners." Louis scolded. "You're in a bit of a tough spot yourself. If you want the title of the next Beastar, you need to work on gaining popularity." The fox said.

"Have you ever thought about the actual reason we need a Beastar in this world? Instead of me, just worry about yourself." Louis said. The crowd started shouting for the fox to get lost. "Come on let's go." The wild dog that the fox was just fighting with said grabbing the foxes arm and trying to drag him away. "Impressive, you spin everything so you can come out on top!" The fox said angrily. "That's enough let's go!" The dog said grabbing the foxes arm and turning around starting to walk away. "Damn it" The fox said walking away.

"It's over, just go on about your business!" Louis said. Everyone started going back to their tables. He had a conversation with the grey wolf. You went back to eating. Louis started to walk out as other animals stared at him. He noticed you sitting at a table and he looked at you and waved. You choked on your food a bit not expecting him to do that. Some of the animals that were staring at Louis looked to you. You waved back to not seem weird. He smirked and walked out of the cafeteria. You quickly finished your lunch. You sat there after you finished eating. Due to you being a cat you have pretty good hearing. You overheard someone say your name from somewhere in the room.

"Oh you mean Y/N?" The voice said. Someone was talking about you? It sounded like it came from the table with a bunch of canines sitting at it. The voice sounded familiar... It was Jack. Jack and you were pretty good friends. He's the kindest person you know. He's a Labrador Retriever which makes him one of your only friends that's a canine. You listen in on the conversation and hear another familiar voice. It was the grey wolf from earlier. "Y-yeah, I think I scared him earlier." The grey wolf said. "What happened?" Jack asked.

"Well he bumped into me this morning and fell over. I tried to help him up but I kinda got... lost in thought while doing so and stood there holding his hand. He left before I could apologize and I think I might have made him mad or scared. I'm not sure.." the wolf said sounding a little concerned.

"Hm.. why don't you just go apologize to him later?" Jack suggested.

"O-okay, I'll try to." The grey wolf said sounding a bit unsure.

Lunch was soon over.

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