Chapter 16 Into The Black Market

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You and Bill, Tao, Aoba, and Legoshi were walking around the city. You looked around in awe at the big city. You don't remember the last time you saw it.

You guys just attended a meeting for the Meteor Festival. Afterwards you and the others decided to take this opportunity to explore around the city and go to a restaurant.

As you look around you wonder how everyone just lives with each other like this. The adult carnivores and herbivores in the city seem to be getting along with each other just fine. You and the others arrive at a restaurant after awhile. You all sit down at a table. You sit across from Legoshi. You and the wolf  have been hanging out regularly over the past month. He was studying the paper that had the details for Meteor Festival on it.

"It's the same as last year." Legoshi says looking at the paper. You look at the paper seeing that the plan was for the art department to paint a dinosaur statue. "I don't mind we got to go out." Aoba says. "Yeah, I agree. It's nice to go out and see the city." You say.

"Hey finish the story!" Tao says to Bill. You quietly sigh under your breath. You weren't quite intrested in the conversation they were having. They were talking about girls. You just quietly sip on your straw and tune it out until Bill says something that catches your attention. "So Legoshi, when are you going to loose your virginity?" Bill asks while putting his arm on Legoshi's shoulder. Legoshi seems a little caught off by this. "I can smell that virgin stench on you miles away!" Bill remarks.

"Do you know about that cute new grey wolf in drama club?" Tao asks. Wait there's a new grey wolf in the drama club? "You mean Juno?" Legoshi says. "Heyy, Legoshi already knows her name." Aoba remarks. "Ooo sounds promising..." Bill says in a exited kind of tone. You felt something cold on your hand. You look down not noticing that you had punctured holes in your cup with your claws and now your hand is wet. Your claws must have came out while you were listening to them talk. They sometimes randomly come out.

You grab some napkins and wipe off your hand. Afterwards you get up and without a word. You walk over to the trash can and throw your cup away. You return back to the table and sit down.

-a hour later-

The guys talked for quite awhile back at the restaurant. You and Legoshi talked between yourselves because the conversation the others were having didn't really interest either of you. But, now it was getting late and you and the others were trying to find your way back to Cherryton. "Which way is the station?" Bill asks. The only problem is that you guys were lost. "I think we're lost..." Aoba says looking down at the map on his phone. "Hey, Y/N don't cats have a good sense of direction?" Aoba asks. "I've never been this way before. I'm just as lost as you guys." You say. You guys keep walking around following zoogle maps.

Legoshi notices an old goat sitting on the ground. Something about the goat made you uneasy. "Hey, Legoshi what's going on?" Bill asks. Legoshi crouches down to the goat. "Excuse me, mind if I ask you something?" The wolf asks. "Here, go ahead." The old goat weakly responds. He holds his hands up  revealing several missing fingers. Your eyes widen in surprise. "Go on choose your favorite finger." The goat says. You could smell the scent coming from him from where you were. It smelt like carnivore sweat and saliva. You step back. Is this guy selling his fingers? Where the hell even are you? "These are just leftovers, but they're still tasty." The goat says waving his fingers in front of Legoshi's face. Should you do something? 

You look around your surrounding. The truck next to you moves revealing a long alley way that is full of stands that appear to be selling... actual herbivore meat!? The scent coming from the alley floods into your nose making drool a bit. You panic and cover your nose. "This is the Black Market" Aoba says.

You look back seeing Bill shove Legoshi out of the way. "Move!" He shouts. "Hey, old man. It's 70,000 for that finger, right? That means it's mine to eat!?" Bill asks seeming excited... You were shocked at Bill's actions. "Hey let's all have a bite! That way we can all split the cost!" Bill says. Legoshi quickly after slaps Bill in the face. "What was that for, idiot!?" Bill shouts. "No! You're the idiot! DO YOU HEAR YOURSELF!?" Legoshi shouts back at him. "We're already here at the Black Market. I am not about to let your ego get in my WAY!" Bill shout angrily. Legoshi growls as his fur puffs up. You meanwhile were panicking that you were actually at the Black Market. You have to get out of here but for some reason you couldn't move.

Aoba gets between the two. "Legoshi, calm down. I'd be on your side if we were at school, but it's different out here." Aoba says trying to calm the wolf down. "Aoba..." Legoshi tries to say something but Aoba cuts him off. "Look around you... This is the Black Market, and we are carnivores."

Legoshi looks surprised and you were too. "Your really gonna eat it then?" Legoshi asks. "Of course we are. Didn't you see the Main Street. Everyone was having fun, peacefully. That's because the Black Market exists for us. Don't you get it. Grow up a little will ya. Act like an adult." Bill says. "An adult?" Legoshi asks tensing up and clenching his fist in anger. "Is that what it means to become an adult!?" Legoshi yells. You haven't seen him lash out like this since the play a month ago. Legoshi suddenly runs off into the Black Market. Suddenly your body was able to move again. You chased after Legoshi without thinking. "Legoshi! Wait!" You yell after him. New scents enter your nose. It was the scent of meat. You hated the smell but part of you wanted to like it.

You squeeze in between the crowd in the Black Market but eventually you lose sight of Legoshi leaving you by yourself in the Black Market. There were animals everywhere as well as the smell of meat. Your breathing starts to quicken as you panic. You try to find a spot where there is no people. You look around frantically. Seeing an alleyway where there seemed to be no one. You quickly run to the alley way and try to calm yourself down. You opened your mouth realizing you were drooling.

Why? You don't like meat... right? Then why are you drooling? You think to yourself. You take a moment to calm yourself down. You lean against the wall and bite your shirt sleeve hoping that would help stop the drooling. Usually you were able to control your instincts. You stand there for about 15 minutes. You were finally calm enough to leave. Luckily the crowd also has seemed to die down a bit outside of the alley way. You walk out of the alley and into the open of the Black Market. You cover your nose and walk through the Black Market trying to stay as calm as possible. There were so many carnivores.

You continue to walk eventually you eventually start running. You wanted to forget everything ever coming to the Black Market. You eventually find a way out of the Black Market. You end up at the side walk. You spot Aoba and Legoshi standing by a bus stop. "Aoba, Legoshi, I'm glad that I finally found you guys!" You say panting. Your eyelids and body felt heavy. You felt tired after running.

"Y/N, are you okay?" Legoshi asks seeming concerned. "Yeah, I'm fine. I guess. Can we please just get back to the academy?" You ask trying to control your breathing. You three end up taking a bus back to the academy that night.

to be continued...

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