Chapter 17 Am I in Love?

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You wake up in your bed and sit up. You scratch your head and look around. You had fallen asleep as soon as you got back to your dorm the night before. You notice the time was later than the usual time you wake up at. You remember that today you'd be working off site at the Meteor Festival. You get up and get ready for the day. You throw your belonging in your bag and head out the dorm.

You head to the drama club. When you arrive you open the door to see Legoshi standing with another grey wolf who you don't know. Oh, didn't the guys mention yesterday, that a female grey wolf had recently joined the drama club. What was her name again? You walk into the auditorium and close the door behind you. "Hey, Legoshi." You say waving to him. "Oh, hi Y/N." Legoshi says while waving back. You walk up to the two. The other grey wolf looks at you and smiles. "Hello, I'm Juno." She says with a smile. "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." You say.

The other member soon arrived at the club. After a bit Sanu went over what the members of the club would be doing.

-later at the Meteor Festival-

You were working on the project the stage crew would be presenting for the festival. You and the others would be painting a dinosaur statue for the festival. Not the most interesting thing but it worked with the theme for the festival. You were painting when Kia asked for more water. "Oh I'll get it!" You and Legoshi both say at the same time. "No it's fine, I'll get it Legoshi." You say. Legoshi nods and goes back to what he's doing but, you caught him looking at you as go. It seems You look back and smile at him and wave.

It's weird but you've noticed that he seems to be distracted by you whenever you guys are working. Are you really that distracting. You go and grab two buckets of water.

Legoshi's POV

I watch as Y/N walks off to get the water. I haven't really been able to keep my eyes off him lately. Something about keeps me coming back to him. It's not just my carnivorous instincts. I can feel that it's something else. Last night when Gouhin told me that it's just my convoluted hunting instincts I actually questioned it but, I'm pretty sure that's not true.

I love his smile and personality. Ever since I've met him everything's been different. It's hard to breathe when I'm around him or think about him yet I still want to be with him... Is the feeling I've been feeling love?

Y/N soon returns with the water. He sets it down and walks up the stairs next to me. "You need some help painting up here Legoshi?" Y/N asks. "Oh uhm... sure." I say. He takes a paint brush and dips it in paint and begins painting. I do the same. He hums a tune while he works. I look at him every now and again. He seems to notice. "Is something wrong Legoshi? You seem distracted lately. I'll go if I'm distracting you." He says. "Uhm.. w-wait no don't go. I just uh... noticed you have a loose strand of fur." I quickly say. Luckily he actually did have a loose strange of fur on his head. He picked it off and then went back to work.

If I am in love with Y/N then, I need to first, confess what happened that night when I attacked him. He deserves to know the truth. Hm... I don't think the others will be back at the dorm until later maybe I should do it there tonight. This is going to be hard...

 I fake cough under my breath to catch Y/N's attention. "Y/N, could we maybe be able hang out later back at my dorm? We could watch movies." I ask awkwardly. His ears perk up. "Sure, that sounds good. What time?" He asks.

"Oh uhm, 7:30, I guess. It's okay if your little bit late." I say. He nods and smiles. "I'll be there" He says. Oh... man... well there's no back out of it now. We continue working until it's time to go back. Me and Y/N take a train home together. On the ride we talked about what movies we'd watch later. It helped keep my mind off my rising worry and anxiousness.

Eventually we got back to Cherryton. Y/N waves and says "See you at 7:30!" Before walking off to his dorm to get ready.

to be continued...

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