Chapter 26 Night of The Meteor Festival

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You sit in the white tent that the art department was currently working in. You were lost in your own thoughts. So Juno is probably going to try to 1-up you to get to Legoshi. But how? If only Louis was here. He'd know how to deal with a rivalry like this. Maybe he'd have some advice. But, you've already texted him several times and he still hasn't responded. You sigh. You can't rely on someone else. You have to win Legoshi over somehow...

Your thoughts were interrupted by a large hand touching your shoulder. You look back to see Legoshi. "Uh, Y/N, are you okay?" Legoshi asks with a concerned look on his face. "Uh yeah, why?" You ask. "Well it's just that you're sitting on the floor mumbling to yourself. Is something bothering you?" Legoshi asks. Just as Legoshi finishes his sentence you hear someone enter through the tent entrance. "J-juno?" Someone says sounding somewhat stunned. 

Oh great, she's here. You turn around to be met with an unexpected sight. You look up seeing the female grey wolf in her outfit and makeup. She honestly looked beautiful. The makeup that decorated her face looked amazing and complemented her outfit. Her outfit is a stunning red dress that has several layers to it and to top it off she has a colorful feather hair pin and a choker. 

You sweat nervously and look behind you seeing Legoshi was already ogling at the dressed up wolf along with everyone else. You notice Juno glance at you and giggle under her breath. "I had them change my makeup and costume just a touch." Juno announces. Just a touch!? Jeez, how are you going to compete with her!?

"Anyways, especially since Louis isn't with us right now. We need to do whatever it takes to make this performance the best that it can be." Juno says in an enthusiastic tone. Juno smiles. "Woah..." You hear Legoshi whisper. "Let's go out and give it our all!" Juno cheerfully says.  

"She's right." You hear Bill say. "Okay let's do it!" Sanu announces. You feel as if you can do nothing to bring this back. You already saw the way Legoshi was looking at her. Are you really going to lose him already? You take a deep breath and calm down. It's going to be alright. Legoshi won't change his mind that easily. He already loves you. You reassure yourself.

Legoshi walks up to Juno. "I wish you luck!" He awkwardly says to her before walking out. Once he gets outside he stops and he looks back at you seemingly expecting you to follow him. What? You still have to help with the stage crew. You shoot him a confused look. He waits a little longer before turning back with a somewhat sad look on his face before walking off.

What was that about? You move on to moving some of the boxes of props continuing as normal. You were still wondering why Legoshi stood there staring at you. Did you miss something? Then it suddenly hits you. WAIT! The confession. We were supposed to meet up with him at the meteor so he could confess to you. That's why he was waiting! Dammit you completely forgot! You palm yourself in the face. 

 You've got to go find him! But the performance is going to start soon... Ah! Screw the performance you've got a wolf to find. You quickly stand up. "Uhm, sorry guys I've got to go!" You announce to everyone before rushing out the tent. As you leave you catch Juno flashing you a snarky wink. You just groan and move along. You've got to find Legoshi.

You rush to the meteor getting caught up in the crowd. Dang, you'll never be able to see him in here. "Legoshi!?" You call out hoping he's around here. There's no response. "Legoshi!?" You call out again but to no avail. You call his name a few more times still not getting a response. D-did he move on... You missed your chance didn't you. You look down as somber feelings fill your body. You got so caught up that you completely forgot...

Legoshi's POV

I stand in the crowd of people watching the performance. Although I wasn't really focused on it. Where's Y/N? I was looking for him before the performance started.

Maybe Y/N will come out after he's done backstage... From the look on his face at the tent he must have forgotten about our meet up. Although I still waited at the meteor for a bit to see if he'd come later. But he didn't. Where is he? I didn't see him entering backstage earlier either. Please don't be kidnapped again.

I start to frantically pace back and forth. Please I don't ever want to be away from him. I don't want to have to miss him ever again. I then have an idea. I sniff the air to see if I can pick up on his scent. Ten meters maybe? No further, 25 meters. Has he left the venue? Y/N where are you? 

I feel a small hand touch my back. I quickly turn around to see the face I've been looking for. Y/N stands in front of me with an awkward smile. "Hey, uh, Legoshi..." He says. He then sighs. "Look, I'm sorry I forgot about the meetup. There's just been so much happening recently." The small cat says while twiddling his fingers. The drama clubs performance in the background comes to an end as the crowd claps and applauds. 

"Y/N..." I crouch down to his height and take his hands in mine. Now is my chance to confess to him. "Y/N I-" I start to say but cut me off. "Actually I think I should go first." Y/N says. "I- I just-" Y/N's eyes seem to start getting watery. Just then Juno picks up the microphone up on stage and begins talking. "Thank you all so much!" Juno says to the audience. "And now I'd like to introduce someone. He's a courageous member of our group. Our Hero!" Juno announces. 

Just then a spotlight shines onto me. I let go of Y/N's hands as several people's gaze laid onto me. "You see, he risked his life and rescued two students from our school who had been kidnapped. As a carnivore, it was a very courageous act for him to do... Now... Legoshi please, will you come up on stage?" Juno asks. Any choice I would have in this situation is taken away as Tao grabs my hand and drags me up onto the stage.

I look back at the crowd seeing the stares of everyone in the crowd narrowing onto me. What's happening!? Juno looks to me. "Uh hey Juno. I wasn't told about this." I whisper to her. Juno just ignores me and takes my hand holding it up with hers. "That's right, Legoshi went and risked his own life, and saved a herbivore student who was in great danger. Regardless of what you may think, carnivores are always here to help the powerless herbivores in any way they can. It's called compassion." Juno continues her speech. No she's wrong! I've seen the horrors of carnivore instincts. Juno continues her speech. "I want to tell each and everyone of you, there's a lot of potential with our strong physic. It's a precious gift!"

"That is the true nature of carnivores!" Juno finishes her speech. The crowd erupted into cheers and claps. Juno turns towards me. "I'm so happy right now. All I want to do is continue making this world a better place to live in. It's been my dream ever since I was a kid." Juno tells me. I'm still kinda stunned from all this.

"Oh hey Legoshi! Let's go light a candle together." Juno says. "Huh? Wait hold on!" But before I could protest she was already dragging me away to the meteor. We reach the meteor and stop. "But, Juno! This is supposed to be for lovers. The others will get the wrong idea. Especially after all that." I tell her as we stand in front of the large round meteor. 

"They're not getting the wrong idea." Juno says while taking my hand and placing with hers on the candle. W-what does she mean? "Listen Legoshi. The true strength of a carnivore simply can't be recognized in the darkness. You should understand... No matter how much you fight in the darkness. It's only going to continue to become a burden on you. They're either afraid of you or hated you. It's your own strength that will bring you down. But, I refuse to see you like that. So then... let's be in the light together." Juno says while looking me in the eyes. 

to be continued...

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