Chapter 39.5 Return To The Black Market

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Legoshi's POV

I walk down the streets of the Black Market getting drenched in rain. The bleeding from my eye has seemed to stop but it still stings. There's only one adult I can turn to... And what I need right now... is advice. Even if the only way to get it is to walk into the twisted heart of the Black Market. 

I walk up to a booth where an elderly turtle sits reading a newspaper. "Hello. Could I buy some bamboo grass?" I ask them. The reptilian woman lowers the newspaper from her face. "Yes, how much?" She asks. Suddenly I wonder what I am doing. Why am I truly here? "Hm, uhm... I... I don't know." I stutter and look down. "I'm such an idiot..." I whisper to myself under my breath. "Sonny, is everything alright?" The elderly turtle woman asks. 

"Y-Yeah, I'm sorry."  I apologize. I'm lying to myself when I say I need advice. I'm just looking for someone to solve my problems for me. I jolt up in surprise as I hear a familiar voice. "Ma'am, mind handling my order first?" I look beside me and gasp as I see Gouhin walk up next to me. Just who I was looking for. "I want 50k's of bamboo grass and five Narihira bundles." The panda says before putting his cigarette in his mouth. "Also 40 kilos of those Okame bamboo leaves I ordered from ya last time around." He adds. The woman nods and smiles. "Yes, right away. You have such a healthy appetite, Gouhin. Will you be taking it all home today?" The woman says cheerfully. Gouhin smirks. "Hell yeah!" He says enthusiastically. 

He chuckles and turns his head towards me. "Thought that was you. Injuries aside, you look like you're doing pretty good." The panda says. Maybe what I need isn't advice or someone to solve my problems. I straighten my posture. "Gouhin please!"  I bow to him as a sign of respect. "Let me be your pupil." I request with determination. "No thanks..." Gouhin casually responds before starting to walk away. "See you around." 

I stand up and watch as he walks away feeling defeated once again. I refuse to give up though. I catch up to him. "Can we please at least talk." I requested. The panda sighs. "Fine, but we'll do it back at my place." He says.

-later at Gohin's hospital-

I sit in a chair. I told Gouhin what was going on. "So, a carnivore who killed an herbivore student is still at large at your school. Worse yet, you say the victim was a friend of yours and a member of the very same drama club, is that right?" Gouhin asks to reaffirm the situation while he bandages up my head wound. I simply respond with a yes. "I wouldn't take you gambling, that's for sure." Gouhin remarks. I speak up. "It was the murderer who attacked me today. I'm absolutely positive of that. They were strong too..." I say. 

Gouhin drops my bloody bandage in a silver tin with the tweezers. "It's too dangerous to let them stay on the loose like this." I say. The panda sits down in the chair across from me and lights a cigarette. Gouhin takes a long drag from it before speaking. "And?" I stutter. "A-and... I... well" Gouhin looks at me. "Spit it out." I look down at my hands. "I just wanna be stronger. Would you be able to teach me how to fight?" I ask him. "I said No." He responds sounding a little annoyed. "Huh?" 

"What? Did you forget what I do here? I'm a practitioner of psychosomatic medicine, kid."  He grunts and stands up. "And out here in the Black Market, you're a bomb waiting to blow." Gouhin says with a serious tone in his voice. "A... a bomb? No, I'm not the type to yell and scream and rage out of the blue." I say in my defense.  

"That mob boss you took down might disagree, and his gang's building a reputation out there." Gouhin says pointing to the door. "Hell, if the Shishi-Gumi finds you running around yammering on and on about training, it's game over. You'll be lucky if it's just one bullet in your skull. Now, how those punks are gonna deal with you is none of my concern, but if you think you're gonna drag me down with you, then you've got another thing coming!" Gouhin says sounding agitated.

"Now drink your tea and go home." He says. I stand up. "No, wait, I've been totally ignorable ever since I was really little, so if I try my best to be sneaky..." I try to convince him. "With a lanky ass build like yours, you're not sneaking anywhere." He comments shutting me down again. "Then... I can just work and live at this clinic." 

"And school?" He asks. I sigh and look down. "I'm taking a little break." He turns around towards me. "Hell's your problem!? In this era of job shortages, what are you gonna do when you don't have enough credits to graduate?" I look down defeated once again as he turns me down again and again. "Then... there's nothing I can do to change your mind. I'm just tired of always being a bystander." The doctor takes a long drag from his cigarette. 

"I swear that's some pretty big talk for someone I scrapped off the street." He chuckles. "I guess I don't mind it, that youthful ignorance. Now sit yourself down. I got a plan." He says. I sit down eagerly. I finally got through to him. "Okay, great. I'm all ears." I say. Suddenly metal restraints pop out the sides of the chair and clasp onto me. I yelp as I feel the restraints grip around me holding me in place.

"What in the world are you doing!?" I shout in panic. "If you're serious about training under me, you gotta prove that you're ready." Gouhin says as he picks up some sort of cleaving hook. I whimper at the sight. "Society's underbelly has rules. Now don't you move a muscle. Let's just think of this as an oath-keeping ritual." He says raising the hook. I let out a loud scream.

-to be continued-

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