Chapter 23 Fangs, Claws, and Blood

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You start to wake up after being unconscious. You find yourself tied to a chair without your shirt. The room you were in was dark. "Hehe, looks like you're awake." You hear someone say. You look around seeing a tall lion leaning over a desk in the corner of the room. He had a knife in his hands.

"Your fur is going to make a nice rug, and since you've caused us so much trouble we wanted you to be awake for when we kill you." He says. You try to move your body but the rope holding you was too tight. It's hopeless.  

Well since this will be your last few minutes alive. You start to reflect on your life. So this is how you're going to die, huh? You guess now's as good of time as any to reflect on your life. Your life has been a rather tragic one. Trapped in a shell of trauma and fear for years. Only recently to be freed from that metaphorical shell just as your life was starting to get better. But, now your life is being ripped away from you. 

A rather poetic ending wouldn't you say. There are many things in life that you never got to experience. You've never got to find your true purpose or experience love... You at least were able to meet others who were supportive of you and cared about you. Louis and Bill cared about you... in their own ways despite being jerks at times. But if there's one animal who you'd like to thank... it's Legoshi.

You wouldn't have changed if it wasn't for him. Even though it was originally an accident... meeting him is probably the best thing that's happened to you. The grey wolf was always honest and treated you kindly. You can be yourself around him. It's only now that you realize how much you truly love him. If only you could tell him that...

You're not really afraid to die but if you're going to die. You wish it could be in a different way. Being turned into a fur rug or coat isn't the most dignifying way to go out. This ends your reflecting as you focus back on reality. The lion approaches you and holds the knife up to your chest. "Well I just got the okay to start. Try not to scream too much." He says with a smirk. 

Just then the door bursts open and in a flash the lion is tackled to the ground. Your mouth hangs open in surprise as you see who tackled the lion. It's Legoshi! He was covered in blood. He had the lion pinned to the ground. The lion had also dropped the knife. 

Legoshi was breathing heavy and growling? He delivers a hard punch to the lion's face which covers his fists in blood. The lion was supposedly knocked out. He gets up and turns towards you. "Y/N-" He says. You see the lion get back up out of the corner of your eye. "Legoshi, watch out!" You shout. The lion lunges at him but he shoves them back. 

"Legoshi, you came! But why!?" You ask. "There are a lot of reasons. I'll tell you later!" He shouts trying to hold the lion back. The lion bites his arm and shoves him to the ground. "Legoshi!" You shout. This idiot is really going to get himself killed for you! 

"Haru! Untie Y/N and run! Both of you!" Legoshi shouts. Just then Haru runs into the room wearing Legoshi's shirt. She starts untying you. She's okay! "Haru! You're okay! I was worried they killed you!" You say, relieved. "Thanks, but now's not really the time to chat." Haru says. She quickly undoes the ropes freeing you. You see Legoshi on the ground still struggling to get the lion off him. 

He knees the lion in the stomach causing him to let go. Legoshi then tosses the large feline to the floor. "Y/N! Haru! Run! Get out of here!" Legoshi yells. "No! I'm not leaving without you Legoshi!" You yell. Haru didn't seem to want to leave either as she stood there. "Fine! Then look away! You might now want to see this." He says. He growls with his fangs exposed. His eyes now had a wild look in them. He pounces on the lion who just started getting back up. 

The lion tries to hold him back as Legoshi attempts to bite him. The lion's hand slips allowing  Legoshi to bite into his neck. The wolf growls as he bites deep into him. The lion lets out a loud painful yell. Legoshi rips a large chunk of the lion's flesh off and spits it out. His mouth was now covered in more blood. 

The lion stopped moving. He stands there with blood dripping from his open mouth. You watched all of this being horrified yet feel somewhat honored that this wolf would go to such lengths just to save you. Haru was next to you looking away from the gruesome scene. 

Legoshi looks to you. "Don't worry Y/N. You're alright now." He says. He walks up to you and reaches his hand out. "Will you come away with me?" He asks. You slowly take his hand. He grabs it tight and then pulls you into an embrace.

He hugs you tightly. "I'm glad. I'm so glad." He says softly. You hug him back and grab the back of his tank top. Legoshi then falls over on top of you. "Legoshi!" You shout. After a few minutes Legoshi gets back up. You, him, and Haru leave the gang's headquarters. As you leave you see all the bodies of the gang members. Most of them were just unconscious.

"Did you do all this Legoshi?" Haru asks. "No. I had some help... From an old panda guy I met." Legoshi says. Just as you were leaving you swear you could hear shouting and a gunshot coming from behind you. But when you look back you see nothing.

to be continued...

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