Chapter 16.5 Doctor of the Black Market

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(Author Note: This chapter takes place during Chapter 16. I kind of needed to add this chapter so later parts of the story make sense.)

Legoshi's POV

Next thing I know I was running off into the Black Market. I can't be here, not with Y/N. The smells of meat hit my nose as thoughts of Y/N flash in my mind. I keep running faster ignoring everything else around me. I eventually reached the end of the alley way. I was out of energy and felt myself starting to lose control of my own body. I lean against the brick wall in front of me. I don't have the courage to tell you this, Y/N. But your an attractive guy. I'm always thinking about you.

I open my mouth and watch as saliva falls out of it. But, why. WHY CAN'T I STOP SALIVATING! I start to lose my ability to stand and fall to the floor. I'm stuck on my side. It's a hideous desire... I can't win anything. Everything I said to Bill, I had no right to tell him anything. Because I... I was about to devour...

I feel something poke me in the back. "Ay, you poor wolf... hmph... I'm glad you collapsed in the alley." I hear a voice call from behind me. I look back to see a tall panda staring down at me. Next thing I know everything goes black.

-some time later-

I start to regain consciousness. I find myself chained up to a thick pole made of bamboo with a muzzle over my snout. My body hurts... I think I fell asleep. The chains around me are heavy. So it appears I'm in an unusual situation. I see the large panda from earlier standing in front of me turned away. "Morning, kid. How are you feelin?" He asks turning around to look at me. Am I going to die here?

"I bet you feel like crap." He says while walking over to me. He grabs the chain that the collar around my neck is attached to and looks at me studying my face.  Dammit, why won't my body move!! He bends down and grabs my shirt and lifts it up. He then puts a stethoscope to my chest. "Interesting, you're awfully calm right now. You're chained up yet you've got a normal heart rate." He says before putting the stethoscope down. "Take it easy now." He says then slips off the muzzle.

"WHAT IS ALL THIS!? WHERE AM I!?" I shout. My shouting is met with a swift and hard punch to the face. "Let's make one thing clear from the start. You will never be hostile or bare your fangs at me. Do we understand each other." He tells me in a stern tone. He then takes a seat in a nearby chair and picks up the controller to a camera next to the chair. "I'm the guard here at the Black Market." He tells me before moving on. "I've got questions. Let's start with your name." He says before activating the camera. The camera flashes a bright light causing me to flinch. It then prints a photo of me. "Legoshi." I respond to the question. "Hm, Legoshi. When did you last devour a herbivore?" He asks. "I never did!" I shout. He then takes another picture. "A carnivore who faints or had a panic attack at the Black Market, has likely devoured someone recently. Odds are close to a 100%." He says. I look down. "I almost did... It wasn't a herbivore. I snapped out of it at the last second." I say telling the truth. "Hm.. not a herbivore... that besides the point. It sounds more like you just put your mask back on." The panda remarks. "Look, I know I need to confess to him some day. I swear I will!" I say in my defense. "Wait, you will!?" The panda asks seeming surprised. "You almost devoured him and you're still talking with this boy?" He asks. 

I stay silent. "I can't imagine how you feel when you communicate with him. Do you fantasize about his flavor while you talk to him? You try to plan the best time to devour him." He asks. How dare he. Does he think I'm a sicko? I'd never think of Y/N like that. "I'm offended." I say.  "Sure you are. But, carnivores are the same in nature. That shouldn't be news to you. That's why the Black Market exists." He says before standing up. "Black Market meat is secretly provided by hospitals and funeral homes." He says while walking over to a curtain. He then stops. "So it may not be legal, but, at least you're not killing them yourself." He says. "Look and see." He says before pulling open a curtain to reveal a wall covered in several pictures of carnivores. "These are the faces of carnivores who surrender to their instincts and kill their prey themselves." panda says. I look in horror at the many images of carnivores. "Some can't forget the flavor of meat and chew off their own limb. Some lose their fur because of stress. Others loathe themselves and resort to self-destructive behavior. One carnivore ate the herbivore because they loved her so much." The panda says before pinning my picture to the wall.

"Okay so who are you exactly?" I ask curiously. The panda takes a long drag from his cigarette. "Me? I practice psychosomatic medicine. Just outside the Black Market... One of those respectable doctors. Here to keep these cases from happening again." He says before turning back to me. "Whether I'm your foe or ally. That's for you to decide." He says.

-20 minutes later-

I'm sitting at a table with the panda guy whose name I've learned is Gouhin. We've been talking here for about 15 minutes. I've learned that he's a doctor and that he only eats bamboo grass and works out a lot. I wonder if Y/N's okay right now.

"So, you said that the animal that you almost devoured wasn't a herbivore." Gouhin asks me. "Yes. He's a cat" I respond. "So that means he's a carnivore. That's not as common but it's possible." Gouhin says. 

"So then, how do you usually treat those carnivores. The ones you consider to be at risk." I ask. "Treat? What do you exactly think I'm doing right now? Carrot sticks and counseling." Gouhin says

"I-I'm not a patient." I say. "That's the first thing they all say." He remarks. "I'm different, I'm trying to overcome it myself!" I argue. "And that's the second thing they say." Gouhin remarks again. "WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT ANYWAYS!? Listen I have a plan. I'M FRIENDS WITH HIM! AND-" I yell but I was then cut off by Gouhin slamming on the table and shouting, "Enough, you bastard!" He grabs the collar of my shirt and brings me up to his face. "Screeching at me like you're some chihuahua! I'll teach you!" He yells in my face. He then lets go and I sit back down. "I'm sure deep down, you truly do want to be friends with him. But, that's in your head, your voice of reason. You're just concealing your instinctual urge to devour him. Listen, you think that you're in love with him. That's just your convoluted hunting instinct. It's the worst possible case. If you can stop it do so. Severe all ties with him. " Gouhin says. Is he right? No I don't want him to be right. I'm tired of this. I get up and grab my bag. 

"Just great, the young generation is just asking for trouble. They get all worked up and label everything as love." Gouhin remarks. "Well I don't really understand it myself. I've never been in a relationship. So I can't say anything..." I say. "Never?" Gouhin asks. "May I please go back to school now? Thanks for helping" I say as I turn around and start to head out the door. "Wait!" Gouhin yells. I turn around to see Gouhin holding out a magazine that looks like... pornography!? It has a cat on the cover. I gasp in surprise. "Hey, this is serious business. If you get aroused looking at this magazine then you're just a kid with a particular fetish. But, if you don't respond to it at all. You're still fixated on that one cat then you've got a problem." He says. I just take the magazine and head out. 

As I walk down the sidewalk I start to get angry. Try it out and see!? Urgh this is ridiculous. I start running. What I heard today, I want to forget it all! I want to pretend it never happened.

Eventually I reach the street and see Aoba standing on the street.

to be continued...

Prey - Legoshi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now