Chapter 11 Wolf vs. Tiger

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Bill's POV

I was standing in the dressing room thinking a bit before the play. I was thinking about last night and how I hurt Y/N. It was kind of a thing of the moment. He did kind of deserve it. He was the one who got up in my business and he bared his claws first after all. I do feel kind of bad. He's been avoiding me all day. I've only seen him once today when we walked by each other a little bit ago. When he walked by he acted as if I wasn't even there. This isn't the first time he's acted like this. He sometimes ignores me whenever I make him mad or upset but he usually doesn't just outright avoid me. I hate it when he ignores me. I think he knows it gets under my skin. I hope this wasn't the final straw. I do actually care about the little guy and I don't want him to hate me.

No I'm sure he'll get over it eventually... I was broken out of thought by the sound of the door opening. I realise that it's Louis. He was now using crutches to walk without hurting his ankle. I decide to do a little acting. I look down not looking at him. "Are you here to comfort me? Or feed me some last minute words of wisdom? Or... maybe... your here to crush me just before I hit the stage?" I asking sounding genuine but I'm really just joking. The deer stares blankly at me. "Just kidding!" I say with a smile. All I get from him is a "Hmphf...". "Actually I'm honored Louis. That you would take the time to come see me." I say to him. "Why wouldn't I come?" He responds.

"No need to worry. I shall be playing the Adler, that you put your heart and soul into. So the audience can feel your presence in my performance. They'll say "Not bad for an Adler with stripes right?" I say trying to reassure him that I'm capable of doing this. I noticed that his attention and gaze was on one of the Adler posters that was hanging on the wall. "It's another sold out performance... To move the hearts of each and every student... and every single species. That's the duty as well as the curse of playing Adler." Louis said before turning and starting to slowly walk away. What he said was starting to make me nervous. "If you let the curse win, then the pain will be far worse than a broken leg." The deer said as he continued to walk away approaching the door. I put my hand on his shoulder. "Hey, let me get the door for you." I say to him.

Legoshi's POV

I was sitting on the floor practicing my lines quietly. I had calmed myself down from earlier. I heard the door open and my focus was broken away from my script as a familiar smell enters my nose and I hear a familiar and now aggravating voice. It was Bill's voice and that smell must be the rabbit blood Y/N was talking about but I'm not sure. I sniff the air again but still not completely sure if it was actually rabbit blood or not. Y/N wouldn't lie about it would he? Bill seems to have noticed me sniffing the air since he was staring at me with a confused expression. I look at Bill not trying to seem angry. I was trying to save that built up rage for the fight scene. Plus there were several other animals in the room.

"H-huh? What is it?" He asks staring at me confused. I just continue staring back at him silently. "Louis and I were just gossiping about you. Nothing bad." The tiger says to me. My body seems to move on it's own as I get up and walk towards the tiger and starts to sniff for the smell of rabbit blood. "Woah! Hey! You're making me nervous pal." Bill says nervously as I sniff. I can for sure make out the smell of it now. It was definitely rabbit blood. "Bill... you..." Was all I could say before Bill interrupted me. "Oooh! I've got to go to the bathroom!" Bill said urgently and then ran off. "Excuse me for a second!" I say to Sanu before running after Bill. "Hurry! We go on in ten!" Sanu says urgently.

I rush after Bill into the mens bathroom. The door slams shut behind us. Bill stopped as he was cornered at the end of the bathroom. He turned around to face me. "Oooh~, following me to the bathroom, huh? You in-love with me now or what?" Bill asks jokingly. I clench my fists and that anger that I thought I got rid of was starting to come back. "I already know what you have Bill..." I say walk forward towards him. He laughs before reaching into his costume. "I should have known a wolf like you would be able to sniff it out. Do you want a taste or something? Is that what this is?" The tiger says as he pulls out a bottle that is filled with red liquid that I presume to be rabbit blood. "Just as I thought..." I say clenching my fists even tighter. So Y/N wasn't lying... that probably means he caused those claw marks on Y/N too. Images of Y/N start to appear in my head as I start to get more angry and start to growl.

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