Chapter 34 Pina

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Sansu had all members of the club come together so the new member of the club could introduce himself. The long wooled sheep stands up on stage in front of everyone. You could hear several of the girl members of the club gossiping about his good looks. Normally you'd probably roll your eyes at this but, If you were being honest, he did look quite handsome. You could tell he takes good care of himself by how clean his white fur was. It compliments his bright blue eyes and long brown horns. "Alright everybody, please welcome the newest member of the actors team." Sansu says while motioning to the sheep with his hand. The sheep smirks and waves to everyone.

"The name's Pina. I'm a first-year thin horn sheep. I'm still pretty new to this, so I hope you'll forgive any trouble I cause. But I just know we'll have a wonderful time together, and I can't wait to get to know everyone." The sheep says to introduce himself. "It's great to meet you." He adds. Everyone starts clapping except for Bill. Also Legoshi but he seemed to be sneezing. Does he have allergies, or maybe a cold? Maybe that's why he's been acting kind of strange.

Bill raises his hand. "President!" The tiger calls out. "What's the point of adding a new member right now? You're not trying to replace Louis with some new kid, are ya?" Bill's comment seems to get some of the other members immediately whispering between each other while Pina seemed to be thinking about the question. They wouldn't really try to replace Louis, right? Even if they are trying to, there's no way anyone here can live up to Louis's legacy. "Now, now, Bill. That's not at all what..." Sansu attempts to explain but is cut off as Pina butts in. "Perhaps it's simply a question of type. It's clear that with your star missing, your actors team is suffering from a lack of handsome, leading man-type physical charm, don't ya think?"

"Oh, that wasn't meant to be an insult, just an observation, but that's no one's fault, of course. It's scientifically proven that because carnivores grapple everyday with the torment of their instincts, they don't develop beautiful faces." Pina adds. "What!?" Almost all the carnivores in the room, including you, say simultaneously. Who the hell does this guy think he is!? "You've got a lot of nerve!" Bill shouts. "So, all carnivores are ugly, is that it!?" Juno shouts at the sheep who just stares at the crowd with a smug expression. "My only redeeming feature is my looks..." The sheep answered with a snarky tone. Well, that sounds about right so far.

The sheep then proceeds to go on a whole tangent defending his comment that you were only half listening too. He walks over to Legoshi who was sitting by himself seemingly completely calm with his eyes closed. He puts his hands on his wolf's shoulders startling him. "Isn't that right?"He asks. "The most obvious example is the devouring  incident last spring. Then your lead actor disappeared. And now the great grey wolf with the impressive battle scars on his arm." The sheep says leaning over Legoshi and grabbing his arm.

"W-wait! Hang on, What!?" Legoshi stutters in confusion. "I'm just, like, a normal animal. I work backstage." The wolf says. "You seem far too reserved to have suffered this kind of injury. Maybe you really are crazy after all." The arrogant sheep comments.  "I'll stay on your good side." You feel your emotions suddenly being overtaken by anger. Okay! That's it! He can call you and everyone else ugly but nobody is gonna mess with your boyfriend! You rush between the two splitting them apart. 

"Hey, what's wrong with you!?" You shout in the sheep's face. The sheep seems to be surprised by your sudden intervening. Legoshi stares at you with an aghast expression on his face. "Who the hell do you think you are!?" You shout at the sheep. A low growl rings out from within you as you stare at the arrogant ass hat before you. "Y-Y/N, please calm down. I'm sure PIna didn't mean to insu-" Sansu stutters out until being interrupted once again. "Yeah, Legoshi's been a key part of this drama club for a long time! So, Back off!" Bill yells and grabs Legoshi dragging him away towards him. "You mess with him, you mess with all of us!" Tao adds on. All of the carnivores in the club stare at Pina clearly offended by his comments. You look at him with an irritated look on your face. This guy must have a lot of nerve to just come here and insult everyone! Yet alone Legoshi!

Legoshi meanwhile seemed to have just become irritated by having to be in this situation. As if he'd rather be doing something else. Bill continues shouting at Pina to which he just groans and yawns. He looks down at you with that smug expression. He chuckles and slowly claps for a few seconds before stopping. "Hmm... I didn't expect you to be so... well, outward like you were. I took you as just a quiet little obedient kitty. Haha, maybe I'm worrying about the wrong people. After all... I hear the little ones can be the most vicious~" The sheep says with a snarky tone before using his pointer finger to lightly boop your nose. You growl as your claws dig into the palms of your tightly clenched hands while you resist the urge to hit the arrogant bastard. Pina stretches and yawns again. "Anyways, this is all making me tired." Pina says before walking away casually.

As he leaves it takes you a couple of seconds and a deep breath to cool down. That anger you felt... It was intense. It was like something you've never felt before. Right after Pina called Legoshi crazy... It felt as if all of your built up stress and anger was trying to all burst out at once. Almost as if your body was pushing you to protect Legoshi, even if it was only emotionally protecting him. "Huh... do I really think he's that sensitive?" You wonder.

That question aside you wonder why you're suddenly getting mad like this now. It's far too late for it to just be puberty. You sigh as these thoughts hurt your head from thinking too much after getting so frustrated. You look around for Legoshi so you can see if he's okay. You see him sitting next to Bill as they seem to be discussing something. You walk up and sit down next to Legoshi while the two were still in the middle of talking. "Okay, I'll be there. It starts at 6, right?" Legoshi says. You wonder what they're talking about. "Yeah, see you there then. That is if you actually show up." Bill says before standing up. "Oh hey, Y/N! Didn't see you there." Bill says as he sees you sitting beside Legoshi.

Legoshi's POV

I jump a little in my seat as Bill mentions Y/N. I failed to notice the cat sitting next to me during my conversation with Bill. D-did he hear anything... I mean, I'd rather not have him going to where I'll be going. I turn my attention to my fluffy companion, who despite just having that big outburst towards Pina, seems to have calmed down as he sat next to me patiently waiting for me to notice him. I speak up, "O-oh Y/N. Sorry I didn't notice you before." I stutter. I feel him rest his smaller hand on top of mine. The touch of his soft hand sends a warm fuzzy feeling through my body.

How can he go from being in an aggressive rage to being this sweet little bundle of fluff that I know my boyfriend to be. Honestly it felt weird to have him defending me. Even if it wasn't physically. "It's okay Legoshi." He says with a smile. "I'm just glad I'm finally able to talk to you... You've kind of been distant this past week." Y/N says a bit of a sad expression on his face. A tinge of sadness and guilt hit me.

I don't think I should tell him about my investigation. I don't want him to be caught up in this. "I-I've been busy with things." I respond. Y/N leans against my side resting his head on my arm, seemingly forgetting that we're in public. "So, uh are you okay? Ya know, after that whole scene?" The cat asks me. He's obviously talking about Pina. "It was a bit surprising and... overwhelming. I'm calm now...  T-thank you for stepping in." I say. Y/N smiles up at me. "You're welcome." He says. Y/N rubs his thumb against the palm of my hand.

I sigh with a hint of relief. I'm trying to find a murderer... but this is nice.

to be continued...

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