Chapter 29 Dormate (Suggestive warning)

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You lay in your bed asleep. You were peacefully dreaming of something that finally wasn't a nightmare.

You were sitting in the lap of your wolf boyfriend, Legoshi. He gently stokes the side of your face. "I can see you're enjoying this." Legoshi says chuckling at your enjoyment. You simply nod your head. "Hm... how would you feel if we took this a little further?" Legoshi says as he brings his hand to your chest and slowly starts unbuttoning your shirt. "I think I'd like that." You respond in a lusty tone. He finishes unbuttoning your shirt and lowers his hands to your pants and-

Just then you're suddenly woke up from your dream as you feel something hit you in the face. You groan and open your eyes unable to see due to whatever was on your face. A musky scent seemed to be coming from it.

You reach up and grab whatever was on your face. Removing it from your face you see what it was. Your eyes widden as you see what hit you in the face. It was a pair of white underwear.

"Oops, sorry. Didn't see you there Y/N~" You hear Leon say. You turn to look at the lynx. You're face turns red once you realize he's completely nude leaving his bare backside in view. Booty and all visble. He was looking back at you with a smirk on his face. "Good morning."

You start to stutter nervously struggling to get out a word. "What's up? Ya enjoying the view?~" Leon asks teasing you. You quickly turn and look away. "Don't you know any decency!?" You shout looking away.

You hear Leon chuckle. "Hm, what's wrong? Are you city folk not used to changing infront of other men?" The lynx asks. You groan. At least Bill waits until you can't see him change.

What's up with this Leon guy? You hear him approach your bed. He reaches in to grab his underwear. You see his shadow looming over you.

You just decide to cover yourself with your blanket. You hear Leon giggle. "Hm... what a shy kitty you are." He whispers in flirty tone. He grabs his underwear and walks away.

"Well, I'll be in the bathroom." Leon says. After a little bit you hear the bathroom door open and close. You uncover yourself from your blanket and take a deep breath. What a perv.

You grab your bag. You also grab a pair of clothes and head out. You've decide to change in one of the locker rooms instead.

You walk through the school still in your pajamas. You get some werid looks as you make your way to one of the locker room. You reach the locker room which was luckily empty. You quickly change out of your pajamas and thoroughly wash your face before leaving.

As you leave your phone buzzes. You take out your phone and see a text notification from Legoshi. You open the text.

"Hey Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out later tonight?" The text read. You smile at the text. "Sure, I'd love to. What time?" You text back. Soon he starts to text back. "How about 8:00PM?" Legoshi texts back. "Sounds good to me." You text him.

-later that night-

You stand outside of Legoshi's dorm. You reach up and knock on the door. After a slight bit you hear him letting you know to come in.

You open the door to see Legoshi sitting in the middle of the room looking at you. "Hey Legoshi!" You say with a smile. The wolf smiles. "Hey Y/N."

You walk in and sit next to him. There was a TV sitting on the other side of the room that he was watching. "So Legoshi, How have you been?" You ask with a smile. The wolf pauses for a second. "I've been good, but I feel better now that you're here." The wolf says.

"Well, that's good." You say. Legoshi looks towards you. "How about you? Anything interesting happened?" Legoshi asks you. You sigh. "Yeah... I've got a new dorm mate." You say.

"Hm, are they a good dorm mate?" Legoshi asks. You pause, wondering if you should share what you actually think of Leon. "Well uh, not really so far." You say.

"Hm, what makes you say that?" The grey wolf asks. You rest your head on your hand. "Well, if I'm being honest. Interactions with him so far, haven't been very pleasant." You say while rolling your eyes a little.

The wolf tenses a little. He seems to choose not to pry further. "Anyways watcha watching?" You ask looking at the TV. Legoshi grips the remote in his hand.

"Oh it's just this detective show. The main character is this detective working to figure out the truth behind a series of murders." Legoshi says. You scoot close to him until your side touches his. His face lights up a little with a small red blush.

"Sounds interesting." You say casually. You could notice the wolf's tail wag side to side behind him. You two stay like this for awhile, watching the detective show on the TV.

to be continued...

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