Chapter 20 Competition

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You were tossing and turning in your sleep again which likely meant you were having another nightmare.

You were at the meteor festival. It was dark but you could see. What's going on!? You see a tall figure standing a few feet in front of you. The one that's been haunting your dreams for years except this time they were more slim and more distinctively a wolf. The creature growled and stepped forward. You were breathing heavy. You step back with your claws out. The creature runs at you and lunges at you. You dodge them by stepping to the side. The creature lands on the ground and looks back at you. You look at the creature. It's face wasn't visible. Suddenly you where no longer at the Meteor Festival. You were instead at school outside of the Drama Club. The creature was no longer on the floor but standing in front of you reaching its hand out towards you.

You suddenly wake up. You quickly sit up and accidently hit your head off the top bunk of the bed. "Owch" You yell while rubbing the top of your head. What the hell was that!? You haven't had those nightmares for a month but now they suddenly return? Why was it so different. You take a deep breath and calm down. Usually your nightmares are always mostly the same. Bill opens your bed curtain a little bit. "Let me guess. You had that nightmare again?" Bill asks. "Yeah, kind of." You respond. "Weird. You haven't woke up like this for a month so I just thought you were over them." Bill says. You sigh. "Well apparently not." You say.

"Well, I'm going to go finish dressing." Bill says before walking off. Finish dressing? Well, your glad he only opened the curtain a little bit. You wait for Bill to finish dressing to get out of bed. Why can't he just use the bathroom like a normal person instead of dressing in the middle of the room. He's luckily there's only two of you in this room. You grab your clothes and head to the bathroom and get changed. When you walk out Bill looks back at you. "Why don't you ever just change out here? It's way faster." Bill asks.

"Yeah, out here with you. I'll pass." You say. That came out more rude than you intended. "Okay, Mr. decency." Bill teases you. What kind of insult is that? Whatever, he's just teasing you. You grab your bag and leave. You go to the cafeteria and eat breakfast. Afterwards you head to the Drama Club.

-later at the Drama Club-

You were watching the actors team rehearse since you didn't really have anything else to do. Everything was going okay until an accident happened. Bill ended up accidentally scratching Louis's hand. This quickly caught the attention of everyone. "What the hell happened Bill!?" Someone asks. "Wait, wait. We were in the middle of practice and I made a mistake. It's not like it was on purpose." Bill says in his defense. "

Hey, Louis are okay?" Someone else asks. "I'm fine. It's just a scratch." Louis says shrugging it off. A little scratch definitely isn't going to hurt him. That is as long as he disinfects it. "Let's take you to the infirmary." Sanu suggests. "It's fine, I can just use the first aid kit in my dressing room." Louis says. You notice the look on Bill's face. He was planning something. He put his arm around Louis. "Oh, Louis, I'll help you there. Let's go to the dressing room okay?" Bill says. Louis looks a little confused.

What's he up to? Bill walks with Louis to the dressing room. The others continue practicing. While you wait for Bill and Louis to come back. A few minutes later Louis comes back but Bill isn't with him. That's weird... You sneak away to go check for Bill. You walk up to Louis's dressing room. You open the door and see Bill laying on the ground. He seems physically unharmed. You also notice drops of supposedly Louis's blood. "Bill, are you okay? What happened?" You ask walking over to him.

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