Chapter 41 A Sheep in Wolf Clothing

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  You sit at the Drama Club floor among the other members of the club. Legoshi had just announced that he'd be at the Drama Club a lot less to 'Take care of his sick grandfather.' But... you have a feeling he's lying. After what happened last night it's hard to believe that suddenly his grandfather became sick... Something is up. Everyone seemed to be staring at Legoshi in awe. Well you were too. It's kind of hard not to stare. He just looks so different now. Legoshi was still at the front of the room. "Um..." Legoshi seemed to be a little put off by all the staring. "O-oh, I'm sorry. We are listening, but with this brand-new look of yours, it's a bit hard not to stare." Sansu apologizes.

The wolf sighs. "It's just... I don't even know where I begin." He rubs the back of his head nervously. "Yeah, my fur... it's a bit short and now it's like I'm always cold." Legoshi remarks. Sansu chuckles a little. "I can believe it, I could hardly recognize you when you walked in. I thought you might have been a sick fox or something." Sansu jokes. A few chuckles ring out among the group. "So anyways, I understand your nights will be occupied taking care of your sick grandfather, yes?" Sansu says. 

 "Yeah, that's true. I'll try to participate in club as often as I can, but for a while, I'm afraid I'll have to my share of cleaning up to the other members." He says. You notice his gaze slightly fixed on you. "I really don't mean to be a burden. I'm sorry." The wolf says before bowing his head. Oh no, no. Don't worry. You just gotta do what you gotta do, right everyone?" Sansu says looking around. Everyone nods and agrees with Sansu.

"We've all been there, Legoshi. No need to bow." Els says to him. Legoshi sits back up his gaze now seemingly refocused on everyone. "Thanks, everyone." Legoshi says. Everyone seems to go back to what they were doing before. Legoshi seemed to stare at everyone. Lost in thought. As if he was some superhero mid internal monologue. You sigh. Sure Legoshi is strange sometimes but this is a different level. You look next to you noticing... Pina, just staring at Legoshi. 

Legoshi speaks up again. "So I... I know I'm asking you all to clean up for me, but I'm still gonna keep trying my best. Thanks for understanding." Legoshi says before getting up to leave. You need to talk to him... You think back to that threatening letter you received... But, not in public. Anyone could be listening.

-later in the locker room-

           You notice Legoshi go into the locker room alone. Perfect. You follow him into the locker room. He hasn't seemed to have noticed you yet... Is his nose messed up? You walk up to him. "Legoshi, we need to talk." You say in a firm voice. His ears perk up and he quickly turns around and looks at you surprised. He seems... nervous. "U-uh yeah what about? Was this about what you wanted to talk about last night?" Legoshi asks.

"Yes, well... kind of. It's kind of different now." You say. There are so many more questions you have for Legoshi. More than you had before last night. Where was he actually, why didn't he say anything to you, and... what is up with that magazine you found. You also just as many things you wanted to tell him too. How you heard everything last night and of course the threat you received.

 Legoshi nervously scratched the back of his neck. "Where-" You were about to ask him about where he was last night but your ears perk up as you hear footsteps that stop right beside the locker room door. Then what sounds like... some kind of tearing noise. Someone's listening... Looks like your questions are going to have to wait for another time. "Uhm, are you okay Y/N?" Legoshi asks. You had to make up a different question. "Oh uh, yeah! I just wanted to know where you got your fur trimmed. I've been looking to get one lately." You say instead of the question you were gonna ask. 

"O-oh, that's all you wanted to know? Well, uh... I got it trimmed at this one place right by where my grandpa lives." Legoshi say. Man he's a bad liar. No place that cuts fur is open that late. But... you aren't going to point that out. "Oh, great. Maybe you can take me there sometime." You say with a smile. "Hm, oh yeah! Sure, you know if I'm not busy taking care of my grandfather." The wolf says rubbing the back of his head. After your conversation, you go over to your locker and get your bag. You wait for Legoshi to leave before you do.

As you walk out you step on something hearing a soft crunching noise under your shoe. Curious, you down seeing bits of dry wall... That's before you notice it. In the wall next the door there were large claw marks torn into the dry wall. You were right. They were listening... and judging by that claw mark, they're dangerous too.

 to be continued...

Prey - Legoshi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now