Chapter 15 A Month Later

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It was about a month later. It was now almost summer. You skipped going to drama club today. You had to trim your fur since the weather was getting hotter. You looked into the mirror of the bathroom. You had a pair of scissors. You carefully trimmed your fur. After a little while, you finished trimming. You still had bit of fluff in your fur but it was shorter than before. You looked good enough. You gathered up the cut off bits of fur on the ground and swept it all into a bag.

You got dressed before you heard your phone buzz. You got a message from Louis. "Hello Y/N. Since you missed club today I figure I'd fill you in on what's happening. The club has been invited to participate in the Festival Of the Meteor. Members of the club will be able to roam around the city without a permit during it. The other members of the art department can explain what you'll be doing." He texted you.

The Festival of The Meteor... seems interesting. Plus roaming around the city without a permit is a plus. You wonder what the art department will be doing.

You text him back. "Thanks for the info Louis. Glad I could count on you." You text him back. "Don't mention it." He texts back.

You lay down on your bed. You start to fall asleep.

-later the next day-

You sat outside on a bench looking at your phone. You were looking at an article on your phone. Apparently a group of carnivores attacked a 22-year old Thompson gazelle. The news is upsetting but you were used to this kind of news. Stuff like this happens often. It just seems like the world will always be dangerous.

-later at drama club-

"Alright, so those sophomores will meet with the city, to discuss details of the festival tomorrow, right after school." Sansu announced. "Why is it just the carnivores?" One of the herbivore members asked. "The herbivores want to go on outings too!" Another one added. Sansu sighed. "Have you not seen the news lately? The herbivores are going to work here on site for awhile... Anyway thats all I'm going to say on the matter." Sansu finished. Some of the herbivores were upset by this news.

"You all know very well by now, how unmanageable carnivores are when they lose their senses." Louis says. You knew what he was referring to. Even though it happened a month ago it seems Louis keeps bringing it up. "One more thing! Do not even think about going to the Black Market." Louis adds. Your ears perked up a little. The Black Market?...

-Later back at your dorm-

You sit in your bed wondering about the Black Market. You knew almost nothing about it apart from that carnivores go there to buy and sell meat. Bill was sitting in his bed. You and Bill have kind of made up over this past month. You two were on good enough terms with each other.

"Hey Bill? What's the Black Market?" You ask. He look over to you seeming surprised. "You don't know about the Black Market?" He asked. "Well... I kind of do but, do you know what it's like?" You ask hoping he understood what you were asking. "Well... carnivores go there to eat meat to satisfy their instincts. We'll all eventually need to go there when we're adults. That's about all I know about it." He explained. Not really the answer you wanted but, it was good enough. "Okay thanks... night Bill." You say before closing your bed curtains.

to be continued...

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