Chapter 28 Summer Classes

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(Authors Note: Sorry for the long gap in-between chapters. I've been busy with school and stuff.)

You walk through the familiar halls of Cherryton. You let out a sigh. Something about walking through these halls seems different. You look down at the newspaper in your hands with a look of sorrow on your face. The front article details the information of Louis's disappearance. So... he's still missing. You've already tried calling him multiple times throughout the summer. Unfortunately to no response. You don't even know if he's still alive.

Louis may have been rude sometimes, but you still care about his safety. Just then you're broken out of your depressive state by the sound of a familiar voice. "Oh, Y/N." says a deep voice. You look up to see your beloved wolf boyfriend. "Oh hey, Legoshi!" You say happy to see him. Jack looks at you with a somewhat surprised look.

"So... I'm assuming you have summer classes too?" You ask. "Yeah." The wolf responds. You hear Jack mumbling something under his breath but you can't quite make out what it is. Legoshi looks at Jack and nods. "Anyways, we've got to go to class." Legoshi says before him and Jack start to walk away. "Okay, I'll see you later." You say. As you walk off you hear the faint sound of shouting between Jack and Legoshi.

-later that day-

You walk out of the classroom and let out a tired sigh. You immediately make your way towards Drama Club. When you reach the door, you immediately pause. A sign hangs on the door. It states, "Drama Club will be on break from Aug. 25 to Aug. 30." "What!?!" You say aloud. What the hell are you going to do for the next 5 days? You'll probably fall back into being a lonely shut in if you don't have something to focus on.

You take a deep breath. "Calm down" You tell yourself within your head. Maybe you should go check on your dorm.  You make your way to the dormitory building. There seems to be an abundance of other animals. Students are probably moving back into their dorms since the beginning of the school year is happening soon. Walking through the halls and climbing stairs, you eventually reach your dorm. 

You reach for the handle and open the door. Taking in the familiar setting, you feel oddly at home. The dorm room seems mostly the same. You walk over to your same old bed and open the curtain. When you do you notice a bag and suitcase sitting on the bed. Did Bill misplace his stuff?

You hear the curtain behind you start to open and a familiar voice greet you. "Oh hey Y/N, you're here." You hear your tiger roommates voice. You turn around. "Bill, how have you been?" You ask. The tiger stretches his arms and yawns. "I've been doing okay! I got back from hanging out with Aoba. Then I decided to take a little nap." Bill says.

"Huh, that's cool. Uh, do you mind telling me why your stuff is on my bed?" You ask him. The tiger looks confused. "That's... not my stuff." He says in a confused tone. You were just as confused as he is. "Then whose is it?" You ask. Bill shrugs. "I don't know, maybe Tao finally decided to move into the dorms?" Bill throws out as a suggestion. Maybe... 

As if on cue, the bathroom door opens and steam flows through it. Out walks a feline silhouette. You couldn't quite see him well through the steam. He immediately looks to you and Bill. "Hm, so you two must be my roommates that I've been told about." He says. His voice had a hint of a country accent. You weren't told about getting a new roommate.

The steam clears allowing you to see him more easily. He was a grey lynx with a set of green eyes that darted between you and Bill. His focus lands on you. "Hm, I expected you to be taller. You're Y/N, right?" He asks. Wow, kind of rude but, you decide to nod yes. "Excuse me, sorry about that. Anyways, the name is Leonardo but, you can just call me Leon." The grey feline says.

You let a fake cough. "Nice to meet you, Leon. Anyways, I'm assuming this is your stuff on my bed?" You say pointing to the stuff on your bed. "Huh? Oh that's your bed? Sorry, didn't know..." He says nonchalantly. How did he not know? Your face and name is quite literally carved into the wooden frame outside of your bed. 

"I just picked the bed that seemed most attractive to my tastes." He says and then winks. What does he mean by attractive? Is this some weird way of flirting. "Well, uh could you move your things." You say. The grey wild cat nods. "Sure, if that's what you want."

He walks over to your bed to grab his things. As he gets closer you realise he isn't that much taller than you. Probably only 6 or 7 inches taller. You also realise that his damp tank-top doesn't really leave anything to the imagination as it's pressed against his body. Leon must have just taken a shower. He grabs his things and tosses it to the top bunk. Meanwhile Bill seems to be keeping to himself for some reason. Maybe he has his own issues going on. 

The strange lynx then disappears into the bunk above you without saying another word. You set your things down on your bed. You then sit down on your bed and start sorting through your new homework.

to be continued...

Prey - Legoshi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now