Chapter 5 The Rabbit

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You and Legoshi stood outside of the door of gardening club. Legoshi smelt the air and seemed to become very nervous. He seemed to be looking up at the ceiling. You shrug it off and knock on the door.

Soon a pure white dwarf rabbit opened up the door. She was very small only about a foot shorter than you."Uhm can I help you?" She asked. The grey wolf seemed to be thinking. "U-uhm, I suddenly remembered an errand I have too do! I gotta go now!" Legoshi shouted out. "Hey!" You whisper shout to Legoshi. "Sorry, I gotta get out of here Y/N." He whispers to you. "Fine..." You reply a little annoyed that he'd ditch you with the task of getting the flowers yourself. "Thanks" He whispers.

Your guys whispering among each other was interrupted. "Excuse me, aren't you guys here to pick up flowers for the welcome ceremony or uh?" The white rabbit asks. "Y-yeah Y/N here will take care of it!" Legoshi says and runs out the door and closes the door behind you. She pauses for a second and sighs. "Those rumors always spread so quickly... He probably got scared of me." "Huh?" You sound a little confused. "Aren't you as well?" The pure white furred herbivore questioned you. "No..." You simply reply.

She leads you around the club room. "Well let's see, you want roses. Clearly we've got plenty so uhm look around." The rabbit tells you. You look around the garden seeing many kinds of roses. Then your attention was brought back to the rabbit when she asked you a question. "So what club are you in?" She asks. "Oh, I just recently became a member of drama club." You reply. "We need the roses to decorate the auditorium." You add.

This feels pretty strange. You don't remember the last time you had a face to face conversation with an animal that's smaller than you. "Hold on, I've got a request." The small rabbit turns towards you. "Huh.. a request?" You ask curiously. "I can't just give away my beautiful flowers for free." She says and points over to some pots plants. "Can you carry those to the back?" She then turns her attention to your tail. "Oka- Ayy! AHH!" She grabbed your tail which alarmed you from the sudden touch. "I can't have this knocking down my plants." She says as she tucks it behind one of your suspenders. "Relax I'm not gonna chop it off." She says jokingly.

You then went over and tried to lift one of the potted plants. It was a little hard but you were able to do it. You moved all the potted to where she wanted you to. You wiped a bit of sweat off your forehead. You looked over to Haru who was taking care of some plants. "What year are you?" She asks you. "Oh uh second." You answered. You look around. "Are there any other members here?" You ask. "The last member graduated four years ago. So I took it over." She says while taking care of some plants. "Huh well it must be hard." You say sitting down and take a break.  "Yeah, I guess but these plants need me if their gonna make it. Actually I need them too. None of us are very strong. We help each other out in order to survive. If I get too stubborn I'll mess things up. I may even risk my life." She says

You smell the air expecting to smell the pleasant smell of flowers but instead you smell something else in the air. It smelt like blood. The smell wasn't fresh though.

Haru's POV

I see the cat student sniff the air. He must just be smelling the flowers but then he gets up and looks at me. Then he sniffs again and looks down at my bandaged arm. He looks at me for a moment. Should I run? "Heya, what happened to your left arm?" The white cat asks with a slight look of concern. "Oh, this? I forget what happened. It hurts alot but I can't remember anything." I say. "I know it's kind of unpleasant seeing small animals wearing bandages in this world but I'm fine. It probably happened when I was having a bad dream." I say walking to another patch of flowers. He paused for a moment before walking over to me and crouching down a little. "That seems pretty strange..." He says looking at the bandage.

-Time skip-


You two now in some kind of indoor place. "Thanks a lot for helping me. They weren't doing so well. Now that they're in a sunny happy spot I know they'll get better." She said making you feel great for helping. "I wanna pay you back. What would you like to eat?" She asked. You thought about it not being able to decide on what you wanted. "Uh... a sec..." You closed your eyes trying to make up your mind on what you wanted. "Oh... so it's that?" She said sounding a little disappointed. She closed the blinds. "I'm usually not up for it after taking care of my plants..." She says undoing her clothes. Come on Y/N, why do you have to overthink simply choosing what you want to eat.

"To be honest I've never been with a carnivore before..." She says continuing to undo her clothing. "Is this your first time with a herbivore?" She asks taking off her clothes. Okay you made up my mind. You open your eyes to see the bunny girl now almost completely naked walking up to you. "Don't worry. It's fine, you can be rough I can handle it. It think it'll be fun." She says looking at you.

You were frozen to the spot mumbling nervously. How the hell did this escalate so quickly. "Are you nervous? Just relax." She says grabbing your belt. "This is my first time with a carnivore too, ya know." She undoes your belt. You stay frozen to the spot. Is this a greeting? "Huh? All your fur is the exact same color." She says rubbing your stomach fur. She looks down your pants. "Pure white like the rest of you..." She remarks. "Is it okay if I see how far it goes?" She asks. You body finally decides to corporate with you and you quickly pull up your pants. "No!" You simply shout.

"Huh? What's wrong? I'm doing all the work to set the mood ya know. That's the reason you're here aren't you?" She asks confused. "What?" You quickly redo your belt. "Don't you want to- Oh gosh. Did I really miss read his intentions?" She asks herself. "But it doesn't make sense... He let me take off his belt..."  She ponders. You quickly toss a blanket on her. "Here it's cold! I'll be leaving now! Have a nice day!" You say nervously before walking out the door and slamming it shut behind you onto your tail. "Ah! Ow!" You yell jumping around a bit before running off while breathing heavily. What the hell was that!?

Prey - Legoshi x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now