Chapter 8 The Play

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It was now the day of the play. There was still some time before it started. You were already up on the balcony with Legoshi. "So Legoshi... what will I be doing?" You ask him. "Uhm... well Y/N no offense but I think you should just watch. You're still new to this. Sorry..." Legoshi said rubbing the back of his neck. You sigh and sit next to him. "It's fine. This play is important. I'll just be your moral support!" You say to him cheerfully with a smile. "Thanks..." He says while smiling back a little. You could see his tail wagging behind him. It was adorable. Just a few minutes later animals started to pour into the auditorium and began filling the rows of seats.


The room was dark but you could still see. There were so many animals in the Auditorium. The play was about to start.

Louis runs out onto stage dressed as Adler. Adler was the main character of the story. He slid and got into a crouching position stopping directly in the center of the stage. The spotlight fell on him.

Louis's performance was stunning. The audience was captivated and you were too. His performance was amazing all the way to the end.


As the show came to an end the curtains started to close. When the curtains fully closed you and Legoshi stood up. After a bit you and Legoshi climbed down the ladder and headed to the stage. When you two got there you saw by a bunch of other members surrounding Louis who was laying unconscious on the ground. "Is he okay?" You asked but no one responded.

-Later at the infirmary-

You and all the other members of the club were standing around Louis who was now laying in a bed unconscious. Some of the stronger members carried him to the infirmary. You were standing next to Legoshi. Everyone was uncomfortably silent. Louis then started to wake up. Some of the others rushed over to him as he started to sit up. "I'm glad you're okay, Louis." You said to Louis pausing a little in between the words okay and Louis.

"What? Wait! I remember... What about the audience?" Louis asked looking around. "Don't worry you collapsed after the curtain was fully shut. They didn't see anything at all." Sanu the president of the drama club said. Louis sighed. "Okay."

"Anyway, it's 8:00 O'clock at night. The medical team checked you out and according to them you broke your left leg. Looks like that means you won't be able to take the stage for tomorrow's performance." Bill told the deer. "Bill, please" Sanu scolded. "What? What good is it to hide the truth, especially from Louis." Bill said. "Yes, but even so..." Sanu said. Some of the others also scolded Bill for telling Louis the truth. "Louis your performance was impeccable today. We were discussing what we should do about tomorrow." Someone said. Most of the others were showing pity towards Louis. You knew better than to pity him. He doesn't like being treated as weak.

  Louis clenched the blanket he was covered with in his hand. "So? One broken leg and now I'm helpless?" He said with a bit of anger in his voice. "Oh no please just.. uh...." Sanu tried to say something. "Bill, you will be my replacement." Louis stated looking at the tiger. "For tomorrow's show. You'll be playing Adler." The deer said in a firm voice. Huh? Bill as Adler. This second show will certainly be interesting.


You were the last one in the infirmary with Louis. Everyone else had already left. "I knew you'd be okay Louis. You're too strong to let something like a broken leg hold you back from giving your best performance like you always do." You tell him. Louis's mouth curved into a smirk. "Thanks Y/N... By the way, how are you liking being in the drama club so far?" The deer asks you. "So far I like it." You tell him. "That's good. I'm glad you like it so far..." He says to you. "Yep. Anyways I should probably go..." You say pointing behind you with your thumb. "Okay. See you later Y/N." He says to you before laying back down. "Alright see you later Louis." You say turning around and starting to walk out of the infirmary. Wow... That's probably the nicest he's ever been to you.

You walk out of the infirmary and immediately spot Legoshi staring out a window. You walk up beside him. "Hey Legoshi." You say while looking at him. He turns his head to look at you. "Oh uhm hey Y/N. " He says back. "The play today was great. I mean apart from Louis having a broken leg. Also you did great on the lighting by the way!" You tell him cheerfully. "Oh thanks. I couldn't have done it without your support." He says to you smiling and chuckling a little. You smile back. "Well I'm glad I helped." You tell him. You couldn't identify the feeling you had right now while standing next to Legoshi. What is this feeling you get around him. You felt happy but also confused and nervous.

The sun was starting to set. "Wow the sunset looks beautiful..." You say. "Yeah..." Was all he responded. You were too busy looking at the sunset to notice what Legoshi was doing. You felt something touch the side of your face. It was... Legoshi's hand... His thumb was gently stroking your cheek fur. It actually felt pretty good. You blushed a little. "His cheek fur is... so soft..." Legoshi mumbles to himself. He then blushed which was slightly visible through his fur.

You realized you were purring and had a big grin on your face. "Whoops sorry... Just something that cats naturally do." You say to him while blushing. "Oh uh no it's fine... I should have asked for permission to do that... Sorry" He says looking down. This was pretty awkward. "Oh... actually I don't mind. This might sound a little weird but it actually feels pretty nice." You say twiddling your thumbs. It confused you how just three days ago you were scared of canines but now you were okay with a grey wolf touching your face.

to be continued...

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