Chapter 36 Relationship Advice

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You lay in bed staring up at the upper bunk. You were thinking about your relationship with Legoshi. He's been so distant and you don't know why. It makes you worry. He even seemed uncomfortable being next to you at the drama club and now he's going out and doing all this secret stuff. You put your hands on your head and let out a big sigh.

"Something wrong?" You hear someone ask. You look next to and see Leon peeking up at you from the top bunk. "Y-yeah... why do you care?" You ask. He frowns. "Well... it hurts to see someone as pretty and successful as you upset~" He notices you don't chuckle or find his comment amusing. His tone shifts into becoming more serious and he drops down from his bunk down to your bunk. "In all seriousness... what's bugging you Y/N?" The lynx asks in a concerned tone.

You contemplate asking him for help... "H-hey Leon, do you have any advice you could give about relationships?" You ask him. Leon chuckles nervously and scratches the back of his head. Perhaps this question was kind of weird to ask a guy who's been constantly flirting with you...

"A-actually, romantic relationships aren't my strong suit. I haven't really ever been in a long term one. Sorry I probably can't offer you any meaningful advice Y/N." Leon says frowning. You groan and put your hands on your face. Great... Leon then perks up as if he has an idea. He picks up your phone. "Hm... how about your parents? Maybe they'll know something?" He says.

You let out an obviously fake sarcastic laugh at his suggestion. "I would have called them a long time ago if I had them. The only adult family member in my contacts is my uncle... And I'm pretty sure if he knew about my current relationship he'd..." Your current emotional state got worse as you thought about your uncle. You don't like to think about him... Just the thought of him makes you feel like a speck of dirt on his perfect image. "Hm... how about that one butler guy you were talking to the other day? You said he was basically like your dad. Why not give him a call?" Leon asks.

Is he talking about Lake? Has Lake ever even been in a relationship? ...Well it's not like you have many options. You sit up and groan. "Worth a shot I guess..." You say as Leon hands you your phone. You go into your contacts and call Lake. The phone rang for a while. You felt kind of nervous asking for relationship advice from your butler. I mean it's not like he's being paid to give you the advice.

Lake picks up. "Hey, Y/N! What's with the sudden call? Do you need something?" The panther asks. "Uh, well kind of..." You say. "Okay, well I'm here to help. What do you need?" Lake asks. You stutter for a bit, trying to find a way to ask him. "H-hey Lake... I need some relationship advice."

 Lake seems to be surprised by your question. "Hmm, I didn't know you were in a relationship Y/N... Uh, anyways why? What's wrong?" Lake asks to quickly get back on track to your question. You sigh sadly. "Well, you see... There's this guy that I started dating over the summer. Recently, he's been... well kind of distant. He's not talking to me as often and we've been hanging out a lot less. He's been disappearing to go do secret things at night for long periods of time. I don't know what's happening... but, I'm worried. I really love him..." You say to him.

Lake seems to pause for a bit seemingly thinking to himself. "Well... personally I haven't really been in a relationship in years... Trust me, I know I might seem like your uncle's house husband but I'm not married to him." He chuckles a bit at his own comment. You smirk at it. "But, I have dealt with situations like this before, not just with romantic partners. You see this happens pretty often with your uncle. He'll get so caught up in his work that he'll forget to do simple things like enjoy himself... even eat or drink sometimes. Maybe, your partner's just... doing the same thing. He may be busy doing something important to him." Lake says sincerely. 

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