Chapter 13 Hanging Out

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"Well my options right now are sit here for as long as I can or, go back to my dorm where the pissed off tiger is." You say with a hint of annoyance. Bill probably is going to need awhile to calm down. Legoshi sighs. "I uhm... well you don't exactly have to just sit here. We could possibly hang out or something... If you want?" Legoshi says while scratch the back of his neck. Hang-out huh? You and Legoshi haven't really hung out outside of the drama club, well apart from having short conversations. Plus you need to give Bill sometime to calm down. Also you can't stay mad at Legoshi. You didn't want to make him sad. You realized Legoshi was still waiting for a response and you snap out of your thoughts. "Oh uhm... sure why not..." You say sitting up. "Where do you want to go?" You ask him.

"Oh... are you hungry? We could go to the school kiosk and get something to eat." He says. You nod and smile. "Sure. I haven't eaten anything today." You say and stand up. He nods. "Okay then let's go."

You and Legoshi walk out of the auditorium and start heading to the kiosk. "So how did things go between you and Louis?" You ask him. Legoshi sighs and looks up at the sky. "He's very mad to say the least..." He says. "Eh... I kind of expected that. I'm surprised he didn't kick you out of the club." You say putting your hands behind your head and looking up. The sun was setting and the sky looked quite beautiful. The sky was a mixture of pinks, oranges, and reds. "So hows your back?" You ask Legoshi. "Oh it doesn't hurt as much as it did before. Thanks for bandaging it up." Legoshi says looking back down to you. "Your welcome. I'm  pretty good at bandaging things since I usually bandage my own wounds." You say to him.

You two eventually make it to the kiosk. Surprisingly it was still open. It was just about to close so you and Legoshi head inside to get something to eat before it closes. Legoshi gets an egg salad sandwich and you just get a water and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. You start to dig through your bag to find your money to pay for your stuff. You have more than enough to pay for both yours and Legoshi's food. "Here I'll pay for both of our stuff." You say as you put money on the counter in front of the cashier. "N-no it's fine I'll pay for my stuff." Legoshi says stuttering. "No it's fine! Don't worry Legoshi." You say with a smile. The cashier takes the money and puts it in the cash register. They then put everything in a bag and hands it to you. "Have a good evening now, you two." The cashier says to the both of you as you two walk out.

You and Legoshi walk outside together and sit on a nearby bench. You reach into the bag and pull out Legoshi's sandwich and hand it to him. "Thanks Y/N." He says and takes them. "Your welcome!" You say with a smile. He looks at you and frowns a bit. Hm.. what's wrong with him?

Legoshi's POV

I feel guilty. I've only caused Y/N trouble yet, here he is still paying for my food and being kind to me. I feel like I should at least say sorry. "Y/N... you're a good friend. I'm sorry for causing you trouble." I apologize. His ears perk up and he looks at me. "Huh? What do you mean?" He asks tilting his head to the side with a bit concerned look on his face. "It's just that... I haven't really done anything but cause you trouble yet, you're still here being kind towards me. I've embarrassed you, made things worse between you and Bill, and..." I stopped myself. He still he doesn't know what happened that night when I attacked him. I pause for a bit my breathing was a little heavy.

Next thing I know his arms wrapped around me and he embraces me? "It's okay Legoshi! Don't worry about it, I'm fine..." He says as he hugs me. His embrace was warm despite him being so small. I blushed at this and my tail wagged behind me. He then puts a hand up to my eye wipes a tear from my eye and stops hugging me. I hadn't notice that I had tears in my eyes. He then looks down and back up to me. "Sorry about that, you just looked like you needed a hug." He says then chuckles nervously. "Look, don't worry about me Legoshi, I'll be fine. Plus all those times you had good intentions while doing so." Y/N says. His words didn't exactly make my guilt entirely disappear. "And about earlier... I'm just glad that both of you are okay. Just please don't pull anything like that again..." He tells me.

We pause for a moment just looking at each other. It seems like he cares about my safety just as much as I care about his.

Y/N then switches back to a more cheery mood. He then takes out his sandwich out of the bag. "You gonna eat or what?" He asks me. He then takes a bite out of his sandwich. I almost forgot that I had food in my hands. I take a bite out of my egg salad sandwich. It wasn't as good as the ones served on wednesdays are. "So... you like egg salad sandwiches huh?" He asks. "Oh... Yeah, but the sandwiches from the kiosk are far better on wednesday." I say to him. "Hm... I'll have to try em this wednesday." He says.

We continue eating and chatting for awhile until we were done with our food. It was now pretty late now. I look at him. "So... what now?" I ask. He pauses and looks at the sky. "Well, actually I better be getting back to my dorm now. Bill has probably calmed down by now." He says standing up. "Oh, okay then." I say being a little sad he had to go. I kind of enjoy his presence. "It was great hanging out with you, Legoshi. I'd like it if maybe we could do this again sometime." Y/N says with a smirk. "Yeah, I'd like that too." I say as my tail slowly sways side to side behind me. "Well, have a good evening Legoshi!" Y/N says with a wave. "Oh, you too." I say in response. He then turns around and starts to walk away towards the dorms.

I then look down noticing some of his white fur was stuck to my outfit. Probably from when he hugged me. That hug was strange... Not that I didn't like it. It just that I felt something different when he hugged me. I think I've actually been feeling that feeling whenever he's been close to me for the past couple days. I think I've only just noticed it.

to be continued...

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