Chapter 42 Looking for Answers

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-2 days later-


You walk through the long lanes of shelves in the schools library. You look at your phone to remind yourself of the title of the book you were looking for. The title was "Biology of Carnivores", it has information on things like size, weight, and the two most important for you, fur color and claw size. You're going to find the culprit. Before they can hurt anyone else. You take a deep breath. You look at the shelf next to you. The book should be around here. You scan the titles of the books on the shelf eventually seeing the book you were looking for. You reach up and grab the book off the shelf. Its green cover was covered in dust. You blow the dust of the book before making your way to the libraries tables so you can sit down and read this thing.

However once you get over to the tables something, well more like someone catches your attention. You see Legoshi sitting at a table dozing off. Hmm, maybe you should wake him up. You walk up to his table. "Legoshi~" You say in an attempt to get his attention. He stays with his head down and eyes closed but he seems to be sniffing the air. You lightly touch his ear and it twitches. You cup the sides of his face lifting his head up off the table. "Huh?" He mumbles slowly starting to open his eyes. "Rise and shine fluff butt, the library table isn't your bed!~" You say with a slight chuckle. "H-huh, Y/N?" He says. He sits up in his seat and rubs his eyes.

You sit down across from the wolf. Realization hits you as you remember that you haven't seen him for the past 2 days. Where the hell has he been!? "So, uh, Legoshi where have you been?" You ask him. Legoshi scratches his chin. "W-well, uh I've been taking care of my grandpa. As I said before in Drama Club." He answers. He stuttered. At this point you can tell if he's lying. He typically stutters when he's lying to you. He also usually starts sweating nervously. You notice a sweat drop falling from his head. Yep, he's lying...

Well maybe you can call his bluff without calling his bluff outright. Maybe you could make him slip up with a different question... "So, Legoshi, on the topic of your grandpa, when will I finally get to meet him?" You say with an improvised positive attitude. Legoshi seems shocked by your question as his eyes widen. "Uh-uhh, meet my grandfather? W-where did this suddenly come from!?" Legoshi asks. You smirked a little. "Well, I just wanna get to meet the man, who raised my beloved polite, kind, and incredibly handsome wolf~" You say with a smile. Legoshi stutters seemingly thinking of how to respond. Hmm, it's kind of strange he's nervous about letting you meet his grandfather. He seems like a good person from what Legoshi has told you.

He looks around before leaning in to whisper to you. "A-are you sure we should be meeting each other's families this early into our relationship?" He asks. Wait... each others!? You should have guessed that if you asked to meet his family he'd probably want to meet yours. There's no way you're introducing him to your uncle anytime soon! Your uncle doesn't even know you're in a same sex relationship! YET ALONE AN INTER-SPECIES ONE!  Abort! ABORT! ABORT!

"Uh yeah, you're right! M-maybe we should hold off on the whole meeting each other's family for a while longer." You say with a nervous laugh. Gosh, you were sweating bullets. "Y-yeah that sounds good." Legoshi replies back. Well... that plan back fired really quick. Legoshi starts to get up. "A-anyways, I've gotta go." He says. Wait, so he's just gonna not talk to you for two days and then just leave after a short conversation!? You sigh deeply. "Okay, I love you wolfy." You say to him. Legoshi blushes and his tail starts wagging. Oh, you forgot you were in public. "Uhm, I love you too." He utters nervously. Huh? He said it back? Even though you two were in public... You feel oddly warm inside. You watch as the wolf walks away.

Once he's out of sight, you let out a sigh plopping your face downwards into the table. Why does that wolf play with your heart strings like this!? One moment he wants to keep your love a secret then the next he doesn't seem to care anymore. And him constantly disappearing and coming back just makes it more confusing. Soon you hear footsteps and then the sound of someone sitting at the table across from you. "Hey Y/N, long time no see." You hear someone say in a familiar voice. You raise your head to see Haru sitting in front of you.

"O-oh, hey Haru." You greet her. Why is everyone at the library today!? "So, what's up with Legoshi? That sounded rough back there..." Haru asks. Oh... She heard all of that? "Uhm, you see Legoshi's been disappearing a lot lately. He says he's taking care of his sick grandfather... but I don't believe it. So I tried to get answers out of him by asking different questions and well it kind of backfired, heheh." You explained to her. She leans her head onto one hand. "Hm, sounds rough... Well, I'm not an expert in long term relationships but, if I were you I'd probably follow him to see where he's going." She tells you. F-follow him? "B-but what if I get caught? He could get mad at me... or worse!" You say imagining the scenario in your head.

"Then don't get caught. You're a cat right?  Your body was built to be good at stealth." Haru says. Haru reaches into her bag and pulls out a small perfume bottle. "Here, it's a scented perfume. I usually use it but you can borrow it. It'll mask your natural scent just enough so you can follow him without being noticed." She says handing you the perfume bottle. "T-thanks Haru... W-wait how do you know this much about following others?" You ask in a little bit of a concerned tone. She just giggles childishly. "A girl has gotta keep her secrets Y/N." She says in an innocent tone.

O-okay, that's totally not terrifying at all... You laugh nervously at her answer. "Thanks, Haru. It was nice to talk to you again." Haru smiles. "It was nice to talk with you too Y/N." The dwarf rabbit says.

to be continued...

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