Chapter 9 Rabbit Blood

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It was late at night and you and the other members of the drama club gathered back at the auditorium. The club had work to do before the 2nd showing of Alder tomorrow. The stage crew had to move some stuff which was a problem for you since your arm wasn't in the best condition to be carrying stuff.

Usually Legoshi would help you with carrying heavy things but now he was chosen to play Bill's old role. There's three villain roles in the play and Bill was one of them but now he's playing Adler. So then they needed someone with similar stature to Bill to fill that villain role. So they chose Legoshi to fill that role. Legoshi didn't seem to want to play the role. Meanwhile you were stuck with the lights now. You walked up beside Legoshi and set a box down. "Don't worry about it Legoshi. I'm sure you'll do fine." You tell him. "Hm... thanks." He responds looking down.


You were done moving boxes and didn't have anything left to do. Your arm was starting to hurt. You sat down and relaxed a bit watching the stage. Bill and Legoshi were about to rehearse a fight scene between each other. They both had wooden poles that were meant to represent swords.

Bill started by lunging at Legoshi with his wooden pole and trying to hit him. Legoshi dodged the attacks from Bill. The tiger then swung his pole down at Legoshi's head. Legoshi blocked the hit with his pole. "Woah, look at that. Now that's what I'm talking about." Bill said to Legoshi. Legoshi pushed Bill back. He backed up a little before swinging at Legoshi's feet causing him to jump back and stumble a little before falling backwards. The tiger swung at him while he was down. Legoshi quickly got up and avoided it.

For some reason you had a feeling they weren't just pretending to fight anymore. Bill swung at the grey wolf continuously with Legoshi moving out of the way and avoiding getting hit. Legoshi started swinging back at Bill. Bill swung his wooden pole down missing Legoshi. Legoshi took the chance and held the pole down with his. Bill grabbed Legoshi's arm and Legoshi then grabbed Bill's arm with his other hand. Legoshi was growling at Bill.

"Hehe, yep you're definitely a grey wolf. You wouldn't be able to act like this when fighting against a red deer!" Bill said as he escaped Legoshi's grasp and attempted to hit him again. Legoshi quickly blocked it. Their wooden poles were now pushing against each other. "Enjoying this?" Legoshi asked Bill sounding kind of frustrated. "Of course I am! I get to show all my acting training on stage. It's what I worked for!" Bill responded.

"They're just rehearsing right?" Sansu asked. "And venting a little." Aoba the eagle responded. Their poles were clashing together. "Hey Legoshi, who said us carnivores can't be the ones to shine in the spotlight huh? Tomorrow I finally get to show everyone just how it is for an animal like me to exist in this world!" Bill yelled. Legoshi shoved Bill back off him. Both of them were panting from being exhausted. "It's wolf vs tiger. So when it comes to our battle scene there's no need to pretend. I won't hold back and you shouldn't either." Bill said looking Legoshi in the eyes. They seemed to have stopped fighting. "Come tomorrow it's going to be a hell of a show. We got this!" Bill says holding his pole over his shoulder.

-Later after drama club-

You walked down the mostly empty halls alone. You were thinking about earlier when Bill and Legoshi were rehearsing. You were worried about them. What if one of them injures the other tomorrow during the play. You eventually get to the feline dorm room. You reach for the handle and start to open it. That's when a strange smell hits your nose. Was that the smell of blood?

You slowly open the door. You look around seeing no one around. Where was that smell coming from? You sniff the air. The smell of blood was coming from Bill's bed. You curiously walked over to the bed and check around it. You looked under his pillow seeing a small bottle with red liquid in it. You are sure the liquid in the bottle is blood. "What the hell is Bill doing with this?" You whisper to yourself picking the bottle up.

You would have never suspected Bill of doing something like this. You then heard the door start to open up behind you. You quickly put the bottle back under the pillow and get out of Bill's bed.

Bill walks into the room and looks at you. "Oh hey Y/N! What are you doing?" He asked you. "Oh... nothing. I'm just about to go to sleep." You say to him before walking over to your bed. You stop in front of your bed.

You take a deep breath and turn around to look at Bill. "Hey Bill..." You say. "Yeah Y/N?" The tiger responds back. "W-what's with the bottle under your pillow?" You ask him while stuttering a little. He seemed to be a little caught off guard by the question. Bill walked over to the door and locked it. "Should have guessed you'd find it." Bill said. He then walked over to the pillow and took the bottle of blood out from under it.

"It's rabbit blood. I keep it just in case. I'm planning on using it tomorrow during the play to enhance my performance tomorrow." He said holding it up. Tomorrow?! You think back to his and Legoshi's rehearsal. Bill is already very strong and that rabbit blood will just increase his strength. If he isn't going to hold back like he said earlier he could seriously injure Legoshi! You also thought about that rabbit girl from the gardening club. You were starting to get angry.

"What's the problem? Do you want a sip or something?" He asked looking at you. On top of that he's drinking the blood of a small animal. You glare at him and walk up to him. "What's your problem? It's justifiable doping!" He says backing up a bit. Justifiable!? The fact that he considers it justifiable made you even more angry. "Justifiable!? How can you call drinking a small animals blood justifiable!?" You yell at him angrily.

"Hear me out! It's easy for you. You're fine with living in the shadows. But unlike you I actually want the spotlight! Who are you to judge me anyways!? You're just a sad excuse for a carnivore!" He yelled at you. You growled and your claws came out. Before you could do anything else Bill tightly grabbed both of your hands and slams you against the wall. The tiger has you pinned against the wall. You could feel his claws digging into the back of your hands. "Don't ruin this for me! Tomorrow is finally my chance to show all my acting training on stage and I'm not going to let you ruin it." He yelled while looking you in the eyes. You were starting realize how bad of an idea it would be to try to fight Bill. You sigh and your anger starts to disappear. You simply nod your head agreeing to not get in his way. You also retract your claws. He lets go of your hands and you drop onto the floor. "Good... Now you better not go telling anyone or I'll have to shut you up.  I'm going to get some rest now." He says before walking over to his bed and getting in it. He shuts the curtains of the bed.

You notice that both of your hands had claw marks on them and they were both now bleeding. You go wash your hands in the bathroom. You look around the bathroom for some bandages but you didn't have any left. Your hands were no longer bleeding anyway. You also notice in the mirror that your back was bruised from being slammed against the wall. You walk out of the bathroom and head back to your bed. You didn't feel safe sleeping in here but what choice did you have? You lay down on your side and sigh. Where did you suddenly get that courage to stand up to Bill like that? Hm... nevermind that you should get some sleep before tomorrow. You start to close your eyes and go to sleep.

to be continued...

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