Chapter 38 Comfort In The Storm

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You arrive at the side entrance panting heavily from running. However once you get there it's already too late. Legoshi is nowhere in sight leaving only Jack on the ground bawling his eyes out. The sight of the usually happy canine shocks you. Y-you've never seen him cry before.

You approach him. "J-jack! W-where's Legoshi!? Are you okay!?" You ask him. You felt concerned. Jack stutters while sobbing. You couldn't make out what he was trying to say. He looked up at you. His copper eyes are full of tears. The sight of him like this was almost disturbing to you. Without hesitation you embrace him in a warm hug. He sobs into your shoulder uncontrollably. "L-Legoshi-" He mutters. "L-Legoshi is gone." He says. He's gone? What does he mean by that!? "W-what do you mean?" You ask.

"H-he said all this stuff and ran off... He said he lived in a totally different world from us and... that his strength doesn't exist for the sake of his own happiness." Jack whimpers. A totally different world from us? You almost felt like you were going to get angry. It seems like Legoshi has become more distant than ever. Whatever he's doing right now is making him ignore other important parts of his life. The sleeve of your shirt felt wet as Jack's tears hit your shoulder reminding you of the crying mess of a friend in your arms. You hug him tighter as you feel a tear of your own run down your face. You know this is a feeling Jack has experienced before. You two had been drifting apart for years until recently.

You feel like shit for neglecting your friendship with him for all these years. You sigh. Now he needs you more than ever. You gently stroke the canine's head with your hand, like a caring parent comforting their child. Except the difference is that you were both the same age. His golden fur runs through your fingers. You had a feeling the touch was comforting the both of you in this situation because the truth is that you were also on the verge of tears. No matter how much you've tried, Legoshi has gone back to keeping his distance.

The relationship between you and the wolf is like a gap that is almost impossible to close. He causes his own suffering and pain like you used to do. In a way you relate to him yet resent his actions towards himself. Jack whimpers and hugs you tighter. "A-all I've wanted is for him to live a normal happy life! I can't stand to see him hurt himself anymore..." Jack says. You pat the labradors back and sigh deeply.

"S-same here Jack... I hate to see both of you suffer, but right now I'm here for you." You say using your hand to wipe tears from his eyes. "Y-you're a great friend and I don't want to see you suffer anymore. I'll handle Legoshi, okay? You don't need to worry. I'm tired of seeing people I love get hurt. I won't let it happen anymore... That includes both you and Legoshi." Jack lets go of you and stares at you. "T-thank you Y/N, but you don't need to do that... You already struggle enough." Jack says.

You frown and look down. "L-look Jack, I already know my struggles and suffering won't ever end. I've accepted that a long time ago. My past always follows me... It's left a permanent scar on my life, but I've found that helping others is helping me ignore all that. What I'm trying to say is... if I suffer and struggle so I can help others... and helping others allows me to sleep peacefully at night... Am I really suffering?" You say with full sincerity. It was true... Your nightmares have gotten far less frequent since you've joined the drama club. Since you've met Legoshi. If the struggling and suffering you experience is only temporary then wheres the harm?

Jack suddenly hugs you again. "Y-you really grown Y/N. Y-you're a totally different person than the cat I met back in elementary school... I love your enthusiasm but is suffering for the sake of others really worth it?" Jack asks. You nod. 

"It doesn't really matter what I do Jack. My life will never be the normal perfect life that I've secretly dreamed for. I still want to live as fulfilling of a life as possible. For the sake of my mom, Tem, and everyone else in this world who had that chance taken away from them. So if helping others is what makes me feel fulfilled and helps me through the bad times then... It's worth it." You say as you hug Jack back.

You feel Jack start to sob again and you comfort him. He's been there for you and now you've got to be here for him. You don't know much about Legoshi and Jack's friendship but, if Legoshi refuses to be here for him then you'll have to take that role. "It's okay Jack, I'm here. I won't ever leave you behind bud."

to be continued...

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