Chapter 25 A Declaration

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The sun was starting to come up into the sky. You were awake still laying in Legoshi's arms. He was still asleep however. You don't know how often you'll get to be like this with him so you just lay there enjoying your shared warmth. You hear the door open. "Heheh, looks like you two were busy last night." You hear Haru say from the doorway. 

You blush at her comment. "Huh? Uh... it's not what i-it looks like. We're just cuddling!" You say. The dwarf rabbit giggles. "Well looks like you're enjoying it. Anyways you two should really lock your door." Haru says walk into the room. She comes up to the bed and sets down Legoshi's now clean tank top. "I washed Legoshi's tank top for him while you guys were asleep."

Legoshi starts to shift in his sleep. He rolls over onto his stomach dragging you along with him. The wolf was now laying on top of you while your face was shoved into a pillow. "Hey, Haru could you wake him up before I get suffocated." Your voice was muffled by the pillow. Haru laughs innocently. "Hey sleepyhead. Wake up! You're gonna suffocate your boyfriend." Haru says shaking Legoshi. You hear a groan from behind you.

"Huh? Y-Y/N?" You hear Legoshi mumble from behind. "Oh looks like someone else also just woke up." Haru whispers. "Oh! Uhm, I'VE GOT TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!" Legoshi says urgently. He gets off you and runs to the bathroom. You blush when you realize who/what Haru was referring to. You sit up on the bed. The shower turns on in the bathroom. 

-1 hour later-

We left the hotel and started walking home. Yesterday was pretty scary but, you were safe now. You look at Legoshi. His expression seemed somewhat sad. You remember that you didn't thank him for saving you. Maybe that would cheer him up. "Hey Legoshi." You say to get his attention. The wolf looks down at you. "Yeah?"  

"I forgot to tell you this last night but... I uhm- Thank you so much for saving me. I would have been dead if not for you." You tell him. His mouth curves slightly upward turning his expression to a soft smile. "Also by the way, you make a pretty good pillow~" You jokingly add. Haru snickers a bit at the comment. "Hehe, thanks, I guess." Legoshi says with a smile while rubbing the back of his head.


Legoshi had gone to the infirmary to get his wounds from the night before treated. After getting settled back into your room and getting dressed you decided to go check up on him. You walk down the hall humming to yourself. When you reach the infirmary you see the door blocked by none other than Juno. "Huh?" The wolf's gaze falls upon you. "Uh... hey Juno! Are you checking up on Legoshi too?" You ask with an awkward smile. Something about her gaze was intense almost threatening. She leans over you. You step back a bit. 

"Uhm, you okay Juno?"  You ask. She stands up straight with her expression restoring back to being its usual puppy eyed look. "Oh uhm, sorry Y/N were you going in?" She asks moving away from the door. "Uhm no, actually I'll just text Legoshi! I gotta go." You say backing up before quickly turning and walking away. 

As you walk you hear Juno's footsteps following you. Is she following you!? You walk faster hoping to outrun here. You hear her footsteps speeding up as you do. What does she want with you!? You start walking faster at this point being a run. Juno continues to chase you down the hall.

"What do you want from me!?" You ask. You beline it for the stair but Juno continues to follow you. She uses her height advantage to grab your hand stopping you as you head up the stairs. "Do you actually believe that you can make Legoshi happy!?" Juno asks.

"What?" You ask confused. You pull your hand out of her grasp. "That's a pretty strange question to ask someone you barely know." You say. Juno looks down. "Oh, I'm sorry." She apologizes. How is you and Legoshi any of her business? "So uhm, Y/N... You were the one involved with incident with Legoshi and that rabbit girl. Were you not?" She asks. 

You breathe a sigh of release now that she's no longer chasing you down. You lean against the wall. "Yeah, that's correct. But, me and Legoshi's relationship right now isn't really public but, if you'd like to know it's not as shallow and you may think." You say. 

"Now to answer your question. I'm sure I'll make him happy. Just watch." You answer. "But, from the sound of it, I can tell your also attracted to him too. But, I'm sorry to inform you that the ship has sailed." You add. You rethink what you just. "Sorry if that sounded a little brash." You apologize. Juno holds herself up against the wall in front of you, towering over you. She looks down at you.

"Huh? Uh... is something wrong you ask?" You ask. She doesn't respond and instead crouches down and grabs your arms. "Uhm, hold on." You say. The wolf then moves in and starts... sniffing you? She sniffs you from shoulder to shoulder while you just awkwardly stand there. "I uhm... What are you doing?" You ask being confused and uncomfortable. Why am I suddenly a magnet for all the wolves in this school!? You wonder to yourself.

She then stands up. "Okay, I see. I know the truth from smelling you... You two didn't have sex. I should have guessed... Oh what wrong? Did you think I was going to hurt you?" Juno asks in a condescending manner. This is weird... The female wolf then turns and walks up the stairs. "I don't need to cheapen myself. Although I am going surpass you and take Legoshi for myself... And I'll prove it, at The Festival of the Meteor." Juno calls to you from up the stairs. You watch her walk off still somewhat stunned by what happened.

Is she declaring a competition? Are you really going have to compete for Legoshi's love. No! She's being ridiculous... There's no way Legoshi would pick her over you. You'll just have to prove that at the Meteor Festival later tonight.

to be continued...

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