Chapter 7 Smile

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Your blood soaked your shirt as the creature bit down hard. I'm was dying aren't I? You thought. You cried hard. You suddenly heard a voice. You couldn't make out what they were saying though. Whatever they said made the creature let go. You took this chance to run as fast you could holding your shoulder. You felt weak but you had to get to your dorm so you could patch these wounds up. You hurried to your dorm. Blood was getting on your hand. You got to the door and slowly opened it not wanting to wake your dorm mate. You look around seeing that Bill is asleep.

You walked slowly and quietly over to the bathroom and went in. You couldn't let these wounds get infected. You cleaned them and took a shower. While taking a shower you see some of your blood go down the drain. You've never had injuries this bad. You quickly clean the blood out of your fur and turn off the shower. You grab some bandages out from under the sink. You wrap the bandages around the claw mark on your arm and then the bite on your shoulder. It still hurts but the bleeding stopped and it wouldn't get infected. You changed into some more comfortable clothes and wondered what to do with your blood stained shirt. You didn't want the others to see it and freak out.

You grab the shirt and walk out of the bathroom. You quickly put the shirt into an empty plastic bag you had. You tied the bag up and stuffed it down the side of your bed. You'd eventually have to find someway to get rid of it but you didn't have the time or energy for that now. You had to sleep and rest your body. You yawned and layed down on your bed and tried to fall asleep. So much has happened today. You soon close your eyes and drift off to sleep.

-The Next Morning-

You awoke from your slumber feeling pain in your shoulder. You sat up trying to ignore the pain. Pushing open the curtains of your bed you looked around the room seeing the sun starting to come through the windows. It was early in the morning and everyone else in the dorm was asleep. You usually didn't wake up this early. You also still felt kind of tired since you fell asleep so late last night. You grabbed your clothes and went into the bathroom to get changed. You changed into your uniform. You then realized as you walked out of the bathroom that now was a good time to dispose of your blood stained shirt. You grabbed the bag tucked beside your bed. You quietly walk out of the room and into the hall hoping no one would be awake this early.

You walked through the halls. You were almost outside but you heard footsteps behind you. Crap! I've been caught! "Y-Y/N? What are you doing awake this early?" You heard someone say behind you. You turned around to see Legoshi standing a few feet in front of you. "Oh uhm... hi Legoshi! I'm just taking out some trash from the feline dorm..." You lied while holding the bag with your blood covered shirt in it behind your back.

Legoshi's POV

I walked around the halls thinking about last night. This was the second time. First it was that rabbit and now Y/N. How am I going to speak to him in drama club. Should I speak to him? Why can I smell... his blood still... I snap out of my thoughts as I heard footsteps. I look up in front of me seeing the exact person I didn't want too see right now. It was Y/N! I see his ears perk up. Damn it! He already heard me! What do I say? "Y-Y/N? What are you doing awake this early?" I ask stuttering a little. I see him turn around and hide a plastic bag behind his back. I can smell the scent of his blood coming from the bag. "Oh uhm... hi Legoshi! I'm just taking out some trash from the feline dorm..." Y/N says. We just stood there awkwardly for a bit.

"Okay I'll be on my way now!" He said and quickly walked off. I watched him walk away as I wondered why he didn't seem scared of me. Did he not remember what happened last night...

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