Chapter 14 Rumors and Gossip

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You head back to your dorm walking down the hall. You were wondering how Bill was going to react once you got back. You approach the door and take a breath before turning the handle  and opening the door. Suprisingly Bill was no where to be seen. You noticed the curtains to his bunk were closed. He's probably in his bunk. You sigh. You walk over to your bed and set your stuff down before plopping down on your bed. You stretch and relax for a bit. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Bill looking at you from behind his curtain.

"Are you just going to stare at me?" You ask him. Bill looks away and everything is silient for a bit until he says, "I'm sorry... I guess." The way he said it sounded a bit sarcatic. You just respond with a sigh followed by an "Okay." At least he's not still mad from what you could tell. Plus at least you got an apology at all, even if it was probably sarcastic. You yawn and start to slowly drift off to sleep.

-The next day during lunch-

You were at the cafeteria sitting at an empty table. The sounds of rumors and gossip surround you like a swarm of bees. It has been like this almost all day. Everyone seemed to be talking about what happened during the play. Your head hurt from all the noise in the cafeteria. You picked up your lunch tray and bag and walked out of the cafeteria.

You walk down the hall until you find a space where there weren't many people. You sit down on the floor. It wasn't the most sanitary place to eat but at least there wasn't much noise. You eat your food. After a bit you hear a familiar voice coming from down the hall. You look up soon seeing Legoshi and Jack walking down the hall. Jack was asking Legoshi a lot questions. You wave at them and say, "Hey guys!" Jack looks over to you and a slight grin appeared on his face. Legoshi looks at you and from the expression on his face, you could tell he was a little suprised by your presence. "Oh uhm... hey Y/N." Legoshi says in a nervous tone. "Hey Y/N!" Jack says followed by a friendly smile. He seems to still be his usual friendly self. Although he seemed to be excited about something seeing as his body was jittering up and down and his tail was wagging.

"So... do you and Legoshi know each other?" Jack asks. "Oh yeah... me and Legoshi are both in the drama clubs art deparment. We're... good friends. We hang out..." You tell him. Legoshi seemed to be being quiet. His tail was slightly wagging behind him. "So, what are you two doing?" You ask looking at Legoshi. "Oh, we were just talking about... stuff." Legoshi says.

"Oh, what kind of stuff?" You ask out of curiousity. "Uhm! We don't have time to discuss that! We're going to be late for class! Bye Y/N!" Legoshi says in a hurry. "Let's go Jack." Legoshi says walking off. "Oh uhm, okay. See you later Y/N!" Jack says waving before walking off. You were a little confused by Legoshi's worry. Class didn't start for another 20 minutes. Maybe they were talking about something personal. You guess it's not your buisness.

You were already done with your food so you pick up your tray and walk to the cafeteria. On the way you take out your phone and check your notifications. You see a notification saying you had a message from Louis. You completely forgot he had your contact information.

"How are your hands doing?" The message read. Huh? How did he know about your hands? "My hands are doing okay. How did you know about them?" You text him back. After a bit the deer replies back. "I overheard Bill and Legoshi arguing about it in the bathroom yesterday" Louis texted. "Well thats all I wanted to ask." Louis texted shortly after. You turned off your phone and returned it to your bag. You made it too the cafeteria and threw your trash away in the garbage.

Afterwards you start to head to your next class.

to be continued...

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