Chapter 19 Wake Up

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You start to wake up. You feel something warm around you for some reason. You start to open your eyes. You looked down at your chest to see two grey furry arms warped around you. Huh? You realise Legoshi was holding you. You were laying with your back against his chest. He was holding you like a small teddy bear. This is quite an awkward situation to be in. You were now blushing.

His embrace was comforting yet oddly familiar. You look back to see Legoshi smiling in his sleep. It was honestly kind of adorable. His tail occasionally wagged behind him. You could feel his chest go up and down as he breathed. He looks like he's having a good nap. You don't want to wake him up.

Your natural senses were causing you to purr due to the warmth of his body against yours.  You contemplate on whether you should tell him about his late night sleep cuddling later. You decide not to because, that would probably be a pretty awkward conversation.

You carefully slip out of his arms and get out of the bed. You put your hand on your face feeling how hot it was. You were blushing hard. You let out a sigh and grab your bag. That was an... interesting experience.

Your phone buzzes and you pick it up.

You have one text from Bill. "Where the hell are you?" Bill texted you. Oh, you forgot to tell Bill where you were. Kind of strange for him of all people to be concerned. "I slept over at the canine dorm with Legoshi. Sorry for not saying anything." You text him. Bill soon texts back, "Ooh, so you got a boyfriend now?" You blush while reading the text. You quickly text him back, "No! What makes you think that!?" Even if you did, it wouldn't be any of his business anyways!? "Chill dude, I'm just messing with you." Bill texts you. You turn off your phone and shove it in your pocket.

Ugh, Bill's always messing with you. You look back to Legoshi who starting to wake up. "Morning Legoshi." You say to him. He yawns and sits up. "Oh uh, good morning Y/N." Legoshi replies. His fur was pretty messy. "How did you sleep?" You ask him curiously. "Oh, pretty good." Legoshi says scratching the back of his head. You notice that instead of his usual tired look, he looked energized.

After getting ready for the day, you and Legoshi head to the cafeteria for breakfast. You both eat your food and talk. You two soon later head to the Meteor Festival.

-a few hours later-

You and the other members of the arts department were working hard on the dinosaur statue all day. It was now late but the statue was fully finished. Kibi turned it on and the inside of it lit of. It actually looked kind of cool. You notice Legoshi sitting on the ground playing with his tail. "Hey, everyone listen up. We're done here for today. Let's go back to school." Dom announces. That's strange it's kind of early to be heading back. "What? But it's only 5?" Kibi interjects. "The mayor wants us to leave." Dom informs everyone. "It's because of the recent news, right?" One member asks. "Indeed. There's been too many devourings, we need to make sure everyone's safe." Dom responds. "Yeah, I heard a duck was devoured in the next city." Kai inputs. "That's right! That's why we'll go back while it's still light out." Dom says. Soon after everyone starts leaving in a group.

You notice Legoshi was still sitting there. He's been acting kind of strange today. You walk over to him and tap him on the shoulder. He looks up at you. "You coming Legoshi?" You ask him. Legoshi starts to get up. "Oh, uhm yeah. Actually I have a friend that I want to make sure gets back safely." Legoshi says. A friend? Hm... I wonder who it is. "Okay, they can come back with us." You tell him. Legoshi nods and gestures for you to follow him. He starts walking and you follow behind him.

Haru's POV

I was finishing up the touches on a sign for my stand when I heard someone behind me. "Are you a Cherryton student?" They ask. Huh? I look behind me to the mayor himself. "Mr. Mayor..." I say in surprise. "You should get back to school, right away." The mayor informs me. I definitely didn't expect to be talking with the mayor. "Oh, I will." I say. "My duty is to create a city where everyone is safe." The mayor says walking off. Hm... someone likes to boast about themselves. I look around seeing almost nobody left here.

I didn't realize everybody had already left. I stretch after a long day of doing work by myself. I'm such a loner. Nothing new there. I bet if I got devoured nobody would notice. I notice a shadow looming over me. I look back to see Legoshi standing over me. He's kind of intimidating. "Haru... hi..." He says. "Legoshi, it's you." I say. He starts stuttering. "Oh... I uh.." He then crouches down. "How are you doing." He asks. "So you didn't go back either huh?" I ask. I noticed that there was someone behind him. "Yeah" Legoshi responds. The guy standing behind him was a white cat. Wait isn't that the same guy who came to get roses from me last month. He seemed to be a little uncomfortable being here. Let me guess he's scared of me just like every other guy. "Oh it's you." I say while looking up at him. "I... uh..." The cat mutters struggling to say something. 

"That's right... you two have met before." Legoshi says. Well yes, I never actually got his name though. Not that I need to know the name of a guy that I slept with. "Uhm, Yeah. Nice to you uh...." The small cat stutters holding out his hand. "It's Haru and save the small talk. I don't need pity from a guy I've slept with." I say and cross my arms. Both Legoshi and the cat look shocked. "Y-y/N? You and Haru had s-!?" Legoshi says, but the feline cut him off. "Wait we never did anything!" He shouts in his defense. 

Oh wait. He's right, we never did anything. When I stripped down he ran away. Luckily there was no one around to hear any of that. "Oh, yeah that's right. You ran away when I stripped down. Sorry about that." I apologize. Legoshi still was surprised to hear about this. Meanwhile the cats face was visibly red. I giggle a bit at my mistake. 

The cat sighs. "My name is Y/N by the way." He says. He seemed to be still a little embarrassed. Y/N takes a deep breath and calms down. "Anyways I was wondering if we... could maybe head back to school together?" Legoshi asks. "Sure, but why?" Haru asks. "Because it's extremely dangerous out there." Legoshi says in a gravelly voice. 

-sometime later- 


You all three were walking down the metro. You were still thinking about what Haru said. Dammit! Why did she have to say something like that. And in front of Legoshi out of anyone. You didn't even do anything with her. You don't even like girls. Hm... she did apologize though. You guess you can forgive her for now. You just hope Legoshi forgets about it.

You look at Haru. From what you know about her, she does seem like a genuinely good person.  "So, I'm assuming you two are friends?" Haru asks. "Oh, uh, yes..." Legoshi says while looking straight ahead. What's with the uh? "Yes, of course." You respond. He's acting kind of strange. 

You guys walk through the metro until you're held up when Legoshi's card declines. It took longer to get to the train and by the time you all got there it was already leaving. You sigh. "Dang it." You remark. "Sorry..." Legoshi apologizes. "It's okay, Legoshi." You say. You all sit down and wait for the next train. You and Haru try to have a conversation while Legoshi stays silent. 

 Eventually the train comes and you all board it. You all three sit together. The train eventually arrives at your destination. You all head back to school. You and Legoshi say bye to Haru before you two also part ways. 

You head back to your dorm and lay down. 

to be continued...

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