2- going solo

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I rub my eyes and roll over to my side to see Jessie sleeping on the floor beside my bed.

I hear a thump and turn to see Damien slowly waking up on the other side of my bed. He is laying upside t down somehow.

"Damien, how'd you wake up upside down?" I ask quietly.

He is instantly alert when he hears my voice. "You're awake."

"Yeh, hearing a loud thump isn't the best way to wake up." I throw the covers off of me and push my feet off of one side of my bed.

"Your welcome." He states before getting up and leaving. For what?

I poke Jessie in the face with my toe. He mumbles before rolling over. I place my foot on him and stand up. "Jessie, wake up."

"Five more minutes dad." He mumbles. I sit next to him and poke his face repeatedly. "I said five..."

"I say wake up now." I whipser in his ear. He jerks awake, hitting his head on my jaw. My head flys back and I groan in pain along with Jessie. He is holding his head then carefully reaches out to touch my jaw. I slap his hands away before rubbing it.

"Hells angels Jessie! That hurt!" I say before standing. He jumps up with a devious grin.

"Sorry, baby sis." He picks me up and throws me over his shoulders. He runs out of the room while I yell at him to put me down.

Our guests opens their doors to see us making the noise. "Shut the fuck up!"

"No! You can't tell me how to live!" Jessie yells before running down the hall again.

I scream before breaking into laughter. "St-stop! This tickles!"

"JESSIE PUT YOUR SISTER DOWN!" Our father yells.

Jessie freezes and drops me. We both look towards the kitchen to see the dad glaring at us. "Hello dad."

"Hello Ash. I have a job for you so get dressed." He orders me. I cross my arms and huff. "Now go."

I stand and push Jessie out of my way. He hasn't moved and is mouthing words. Probably talking to Damien.

We have this weird link between us all. We have a mind type of link. We can feel each others emotions if it is really strong and we can talk. It comes in handy when we get into trouble. We also have other powers dad taught us to control but mine are different than everyone's since I'm the first hybrid girl. I know, stupid right?

I stomp up the stairs and run down the hall to my room. I see Damien standing in front of my closet, digging through it. I stand there and watch with one of my brows raised.

He turns and sets the clothes on my bed before leaving. I walk to my bed and see the outfit he laid out. A light tank top and a pair of pants with converse shoes. I hear a knock and turn to see Damien still there.

"Here." Damien says and tosses something to me. I catch it and see it is a box of contacts. I give him a curious look. "Its for your eye issue. Don't want to freak the human out now do we?"

"Okay okay." I say and shoo him out of the room. I change into my outfit and put the contacts in. They gave me brown eyed contacts.

I walk down the hall and see Jessie running up the stairs. "Move!" He yells.

I take a step to the side and he runs past. I run down the stairs and walk towards my dad's office. I knock twice before I walk in.

"Your sword is in the armory, Jessie." Dad says.

"Oh my gosh! I was soooo worried about that!" I make a horrible impression of Jessie's voice. Dad's head snaps up to see me.

"Nice eyes. Your information is at the station."

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