21- snarling central

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Alex catches me and pulls me down the hall. How is he doing this? He has a firm grip on my ear.

"At least someone is now trying to control her." Jessie mutters.

I throw a fireball at him making him fly back.

"Your wings are now white. What the hell happened?" Damien asks.

"I don't-ow!" I yelp as Alex tugs on my ear to make me move faster.

"I need to talk to all the demons here privately." He snaps out.

Jessie storms up to me with a burn mark on his face. I laugh at his pissed off face until he punches my back.

I growl and move to attack him but Damien grips Jessie's ear with a growl. "Respect your sister."

Alex tugs my ear and I whimper in pain. His hold loosens as he goes to grab my hand. His gray eyes meet my two colored ones.

"You won't run now will you?" He asks. I shake my head and hear the snickering of my brothers.

"Have fun producing heirs with female demons...oh wait! That's right! We are almost extinct!" I tell them.

They both growl while Keyon laughs. "Ash, you are a bitch to your brothers."

"I know. But they still love me for it!" I tell him while flipping hair over my shoulder.

We stop in front of a new set of wooden doors as my mate drops my hand. I turn to Alex to see him pulling a set of keys from his pocket. He picks out the smallest key and sticks it in the lock. We hear a click before the door opens. Alex walks in while opening the door.

The room in front of us has two giant bookshelves against the left wall, a fireplace in the middle of the right wall with a couch in front of it. Facing the door is a large wooden desk with paper all acrossnwith hooks open and scattered everywhere. On the left corner of the desk is a computer monitor and a mouse while the right corner has a lamp. Facing the desk is three chairs and on the other side of the desk is one leather swivel chair.

The walls are a cream color and the floor has a shaggy rug on it. Above the desk, is a window that shows a large lake.

"Come on." He motions for us to follow. Damien and Jessie look at me in expectation. I walk and take the most comfortable seat, which is where Alex would sit.

Damien and Jessie take the seats in front of the desk along with Keyon. Issac stands by the door as Alex closes it. He turns around and pauses once he sees me in his chair.




"Naw, it's too comfy."

"Ash." He warns.

I smile. "Okay."

"Really?" He strides over.

"No!" I laugh then let out a shocked yelp as he picks me up and sets me on his lap. My face heats up as everyone laughs at me.

"Awwww look at our little Ash who is all grown up!" Damien says between gasps for air.

Alex clears his throat and Damien sobers up. "Don't forget what my family bloodline does to your kind." Alex warns him.

"Why do you want us here, Prince Alex?" Keyon asks.

"I have a secret place that hides any supernatural magic and-" Alex gets cut off by a high pitches ringing.

I double over along with Keyon, Jessie and Damien in pain. I cover my ears and scream. Alex pulls me against him.

"Turn the bell off!" Three voices yell.

The ringing feel as if it is setting my brain on fire. It hurts so badly.

"Get the girl! She controls all the bastards!" Someone yells. I slide off of Alex's lap and curl into a ball.

"Make it stop please!" I cry out. "Please!"

The ringing suddenly stops and I hear snarling. I'm panting and someone touches me, letting sparks shoot across my skin. I look over my right shoulder to see Alex holding me against him while he tries to soothe me.

"You don't hear it anymore?" He whispers. I shake my head. "They still haven't turned it off."

I look over to see Issac holding a flaming sword in front of him while Keyon, Damien and Jessie are in their demonic forms.

They are snarling and closing in on Issac and Ethan. I break out of Alex's arms and push him towards a corner. He starts to fight me before he notices the look on my face.

Mate. I must protect mate.

I walk toward the three demons and give off my most threatening snarl. I feel my fangs elongate and my claws appear. My marks are glowing with my eyes. Keyon submits to me along with Jessie. Damien turns towards me with his fangs showing and claws on display.

He circles me and I follow him. Never give a demon your back, no matter how trained you are.

"Reign in your demon, Damien!" I growl out.

He snarls at me and ludges. I hold my arms out and burn him with my fire. He hisses and pulls back.

"Key, baby, look at me!" Ethan yells before jumping up and snarling at me. He shifts and growls at me.

Jessie joins back into the snarling at me along with Keyon. Issac looks absolutely stunned at what is going on. I see Jessie move towards Alex and something in me snaps.

I jump at him and pin him to the floor with my hands and claws around his neck. My fangs are showing. "Change back!" I snarl.

He shows me his neck in submission and his eyes stop glowing while his fangs and claws retract.

"Ash, I'm sorry." He whispers. I release him and shove him away from me. I hear a gasp and look up to see Keyon holding Alex up by the throat.

A growl worthy of a demonic heir escapes my throat. Everyone turns their gaze to me either shocked or frightened. Keyon drops Alex while dropping to his hands and knees in submission. Ethan submits to me also.

Damien challenges me with a snarl.

"Your highness, we have to get them out of here. Ash is completely uncontrollable now since one of her own kind got to you. She trusts no one. This is dangerous." Issac explains while walking over to Alex.

I snarl at him in a warning. Do not touch my mate!

He freezes and backs away from Alex, who looks horrified.

"This is your mate in her full demonic glory. I wonder what she looks like in her full angelic glory." Issac tells him.

"Is is snarling central in here? Because if so anyone feel free to join!" I mutter sarcastically.

I'm suddenly pinned to the floor with a snarling older brother above me. He has claws in my neck. I pull back all my powers and scream. Shock and recognition flicker in his eyes and he pulls away. I bring my right fist up and knock him off of me. I feel the blood from his claw marks running down my back.

I feel something hit my in my back before everything goes black.

The Prince's Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now